~Chapter 45

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Chris POV


Why do they gain joy in hurting her. I'm also part of the people that hurt her. She really loved me but because I was so selfish, I didn't pay attention to her feelings. I'm so bad at everything.

I just couldn't continue kissing her. It breaks my heart that she can't love me again. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I really want to. How do I go about this.

Damn! I'm so stupid. She's drunk and I left her all alone. I think I'll stay over till she's sober. I drive back to her apartment and go straight to her room. The door isn't locked so I just enter Inside. I check where I left her but I dont find her. I call her name...no reply. But I just left few minutes ago. Where could she have gone to? I check round the apartment but I don't see her. I see one leg of her shoe on the ground and a bracelet. The same shoe and bracelet she wore today. Where has she gone to

I sit on the couch waiting for her to get back. I pick up her phone to check time and it's 3pm. Someone opens the door and Pammy revealed herself

"Where is Ana?" Pammy looked at me weirdly

"I'm also looking for her" I said.

"Oh no! Could it be true?" She holds her chest

"What?" I asked

"Some people said they saw two people on hoodie carrying her out of the apartment.

What??? It can't be!

"That's not true" I jumped up. "I left her here because she was drunk so how manage" I yelled

"Why did you leave her! And she doesn't keep alcohol in her apartment so who did" Pammy yelled

"I don't fucking know! Who could have kidnapped her"

"Kidnapped? Did I hear kidnap?" A man appeared at the door

"Who are you!" I asked.

"Mr Kyle... your daughter has been abducted" Pammy tells him with teary eyes

Oh... Ana's dad

"I saw her this afternoon. In a sober state. She was heartbroken" Mr Kyle said In disbelief.

"Something terrible happened in school" I said

"Oh poor girl" Pammy said, crying

"Hello inspector" Mr Kyle said, leaving the room

"I'll go find her" I frowned and leave

It's all my fault and I have to take responsibility. If I didn't say aweful things she would have still been living with us and I promised to protect her so it's my duty to find her.


Ana's pov

"She's waking up" someone said

"Ana?" Tristan whispered

"Tris" I tried to move but I'm being tied

"What am I doing here?" I yelled weakly

"Welcome to my dungeon" Lucky laughed. "Tristan here helped me out"

"I thought you were a friend!'' I yelled.

"I am a friend. He was holding my little sister captive" he said painfully

"I hate you." I cried.

"Get out tristan. Your job here is done. I've released your sister too" Lucky smiled and Tristan looks at me one more time before leaving
I really wanted him to save me. But I'm also ready to die.

"What are you gonna do huh? Rape me?" I yelled

"Nahhh. Who know if you've caught STDs" he said irritatedly.

"Look who we have here" My step mum walked in.

"You're behind this?" I cried seeing the reason why I've been suffering for long. One woman.

"Yes darling. I wanted you out of the picture and I wanted to see you suffer why? Because you looked so much like your mum and it pissed me off" she smiled. "I use to be your dads best friend before he met your mum. I'm sure he didn't tell you. I was so happy when your mum died because I was finally gonna have your dad to myself. I wasn't aware she left a brat like you. So I allowed him keep u till the age of 12. I actually told lucky here to rape you till death but he didn't" she frowned.

"I would have though. I just wanted to enjoy you" Lucky smirks.

"You've met my daughter right? I actually didn't like your father. Just wanted to teach him a lesson for marrying your mum and I was also after his money so nothing much. I loved him back then but it faded once he married your whore of a mother"

"Respect yourself bitch" I yelled and she slaps me.

"Don't you dare!" She said, sternly. "I'll finish you before tonight. You'll be no more. You're his happiness and I don't want him to be happy" she laughed.

"Can I finish her now?" Lucky asked happily.

"Yes. I'll love to watch her suffer" she stepped back and Lucky brings a box in front of me. It is filled with tools

"Please just kill me. Don't torture me. I beg you"

"Now where is the fun there" Lucky laughed and uses a knife to tear my skin. I shout in pain, awaiting the other tools.

Why me!

Thats all I have to say😏

©Dame Cherie❤️

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