~Chapter 7

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It's been 3 weeks since I met that Christian of a guy. I told you he wasn't gonna come back although I really wanted him to.

I'm sitted outside waiting for no body in particular. I see a black fancy car park in front of my house
It's been long I saw a car like this. Is my dad here to get me? Sorry, Mr Kyle. I won't go with him because he has caused me alot

A tall figure comes out with a shopping bag in his hand. He locks the car and puts on his shade although he's backing me

Is he a kidnapper?

What kind of kidnapper comes with a gift bag. I laugh at myself.
He finally turned his face. He looks so familiar. I don't recognize him until he removes his eye shade.

Fuck! He's here

I judged him quickly. Why am I happy?

"Hey Ana" He walked up to me and I stand up.

Should I run to hug him? Or stand here awkwardly.

He still remembers my name

" Hi Chris" I smile but later brush it off

" You're free to smile. I know I'm handsome" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

He's handsome though but that's not why I am smiling. Do I have a reason for smiling or must I have?

" Have this" he gives me the gift bag

" No. I appreciate" I put my hands at my back

" Don't hurt me please. Let's say it's an apology gift for not coming to see you earlier"

'' uhh... okay'' I take it

" You stay with your family?"
I frowned at his question

" I'm sorry. I just thought...." He begins to say when he notices my facial expression

" No, it's fine. I live alone" I don't have a family after all.

" It looks dangerous here!" He frowned

" I'm use to it" I laughed at his facial expression

" I came with an offer" I shouldn't have taken this gift.


" I want to take you outta here?"

What? That'll be great

Nope! It won't. What if he wants to sell me out to people that'll maltreat me

"No I like it here" I faked a smile. Oh what a lie

" No you don't. It's not safe here"

" But I've stayed here for four years" I yelled

"It doesn't matter. Wait.. why?" He folded his arms

" Nothing. I can't come with you. You don't know me! I don't know you either. I'm just a girl with a scar. I bring badlu...."

"Shh! It's enough. That's why people hate you" he frowned

" You..."

" That's because you hate yourself" he cuts in

" But that's the truth. I am...."

" Beautiful" he touches the scar on my forehead and I feel a tingly feeling down my stomach. No one touches me. No one comes close to me this way so I guess that what's giving me the tingly feeling.

I seriously do not like these lies he's feeding me with.

"Can I think about it?" I closed my eyes

" I won't rush you. I'll be here in 2 days time" he winked and pecked my cheek before getting back into his car and driving off.

What just happened? Who is this guy. I open the gift pack and find snacks, a very beautiful earring and a phone. I have never had a phone before. This is too much.

What do I do with these things. Mr lucky will kill me if he finds out that a boy is coming to see me. I should be careful as I am his prey and he won't wait to kill me before I find a good life for myself.

Is this finally someone liberating me?


This new person in her life is giving me chills because it's at this point we put on our seat belt tight.😌

Stay in touch.
I told you that where there's life, there's hope.

©Dame Cherie ❤️🔥

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