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Hazel steps off the Bullhead with a scowl on his face struggling on his shoulder was Adam Taurus. After failing to capture Amber in Argus, Tyrian had found the Faunus man trying to flee. With The Winter Maidens dead corpse. After killing Adams Lieutenant brutally, Tyrian captured the man bringing him to Hazel. What was worse, Salem knew. Adam was tied up and gagged so Hazel didn't have too much of a problem taking him into the dark castle.

After walking through the halls filled with purple crystals along side Tyrian they approached the doors to the main chamber mostly used for meeting such as today's. Tyrian opens the door for Hazel as the two enter the room. Waiting inside was Salem seated upon her throne with her sons and daughter siting next to her. Each of them held glares upon their faces. Hazel tosses Adam onto the table in the room before kneeling.

"I apologize for the delay." Hazel states.

Salem stands giving him a look of curiosity. "Have you learned as to where the Winter Maiden's power has gone?" She asks.

Hazel hesitates. "Not quite Ma'am. Though it's possible that it was transferred to Neopolitan. Roman's right hand." He explains.

Salem nods accepting the information as she stands contemplating the matter. "Do you believe this Neopolitan would work with us again?" She asks.

Hazel sighs. "Unfortunately I don't think she would seeing as Adam killed Roman." He explains. "We also don't know where she's gone."

Salem clenches her fists taking a deep breath. She then turns to Adam. She looks to Tyrian and gestures to Adam. The man nods walking up to Adam and untying him before taking off the gag. Adam sits up coughing.

"Adam Taurus." Salem says. The man turns his gaze to her from under his mask. "We have a lot to discuss."


Amity Colosseum, Atlas

Sun saw Neptune take out Pyrrha and himself from the Savanna biome area. He winces in sympathy before focusing back to his opponent Ren just in time to receive a strong kick to the head. Sun then ducks under a slash from Ren's weapons before spin kicking him into the stomach sending him flying. Sun laughs only to have Sage crash into him. Apparently Nora had sent his green haired teammate flying. The two stand back up turning to Nora who growls in anger.

"Oh boy." Sun mutters. He then claps his hands together manifesting two yellow translucent replicas of himself. They rush Nora only for her to shout in anger as she spins her mighty hammer bursting both replicas into pieces before they even reach her. She then runs at them. Sun turns to see Ren stumbling to stand up and an idea comes to mind. Sun runs over to Ren while Sage try's to block Nora's hammer with his massive sword only for her to send him and his sword flying out of the arena.

"Sage Ayana is out!" Oobleck announces.

"How unfortunate." Clover adds.

Sun grimaces before sliding up to Ren. He then threw his arms around Ren's neck before twisting him to face Nora who's eyes widened not having expected Sun to use her teammate, friend, and future lover, wait what was that last part? She didn't have any time to contemplate further as Sun lifts Ren up before spinning the guy around using his momentum to have Ren kick Nora in the face. He then lets go of Ren sending him flying again before rushing over to Nora and kicking her hammer away from her. In quick succession he pulls out two sets of nunchucks from his pockets. He then starts beating Nora with them repeatedly with a few kicks added. Nora grabs one of the Nunchucks ready to throw Sun only for the other to wack her in the head sending her to the floor with a buzzer going off.

"Nora Valkyrie is out!" Oobleck announces.

"And from a heck of a beating." Clover states.

Nora groans holding her head. Sun gives a sympathetic look. "Sorry Nora." He says. He then looks for Jaune and Scarlet.

They were on the center platform and surprisingly enough he had looked over just in time to see Scarlet get kicked in the face staggering the red haired man only to then have Jaune bash him under the chin with his shield. Scarlet fell to the ground out cold.

"Nice work from Mister Arc!" Clover says.

"It seems we're down to a Two V One!" Oobleck says excitedly.

Sun frowns. Two V One? He knew Jaune was still in obviously but Pyrrha, Nora, and... Oh. Sun felt that he deserved the swift kick to the head for forgetting about Ren. He was grateful that the two heaviest hitters were out though. Sun quickly recovers rolling to the side into the tall grass as Ren fires his dual bladed automatic weapons. Jaune and Ren group up while Sun waits staying still within the cover of the tall grass. Jaune looks to Ren who nods. Ren then gets behind Jaune putting away one of his weapons and putting a hand on Jaune's shoulder as they walked together using Jaune's shield as cover. Sun cursed to himself wondering how he could salvage this. Then an idea comes to mind as he pulls out a single spare round for his nunchucks shotgun function. He uncaps it dumping the powdered Fire Dust into his hand waiting. Jaune and Ren enter the tall grass and Sun smriks. He summons two translucent copy's that throw him into the air as Sun laughs tossing the dust into the field just as Ren opens fire.

Ren and Jaune's eyes widened in fear as a bullet from Ren's weapon grazes some of the dust causing it to spark to life. As Sun landed the entirety of the grass field lit up into flames. At the same time Ren and Jaune are flung out of the arena. Bringing a Victory for Team SSSN.

"Team SSSN wins!" Clover announces.

"Seems Mister Wukong scorched his competition away." Oobleck jokes.



Neo paces back and forth within her room only stopping once Mercury enters. She turns to him with an look as if asking 'well?'.

"They agreed to meet later this week." Mercury says. Neo nods smiling a bit. "So, I have a question." He says earning Neo's attention. She raises an eyebrow to him. "What exactly is the plan? I mean I get that Adam is a leader to an organization, but do we really have to work with these people to take him down?"

Neo rolls her eyes. Of course he thought that. She gives a 'follow me' gesture walking back to her desk. She then pulls out a small notebook handing it to him. He was still confused but opens the notebook. Once he does his eyes widened.

"Oh." He says. "That's why."

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