The Ocean Veiw

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Unknown Location

Hope opens her bright light blue glowing eyes to see an ocean before her. It was night and Looking down she could see that her bare feet were standing on a sandy beach filled with various massive sea shells and driftwood which looked bigger than even a Bullhead or a bus. Looking back to the ocean she watched as a massive bright blue beam shot into the sky peircing the cloudy sky. She watched in awe at its sight reaching a hand forward as if to grasp it. Then the beam of light flickers away fading from existence.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A feminine voice says from behind Hope. Turning quickly to her right she saw a woman with a long ornate blue dress with white accents which hugged the woman's figure. She looked to be about five feet tall. Hope felt her wings start to curl around herself like a blanket. The woman giggles. "You don't remember me." She states matter of factly. Hope shakes her head. "I suppose I shouldn't expect you too."

"Of course she doesn't remember us." A second woman's voice says. Looking over to her left. The second woman looked identical to the first aside from three differences. The first was the second woman's dress which was orange. The second was her figure which seemed to have a slightly slimmer figure. The last difference was that the one in orange had a white bag strapped to her back. The one in orange crouch's down to Hope's level with a bright smile on her face. "My name is Moll. And my sister..." She gestures to the woman in blue. "Is Lora." The woman in orange offers a hand.

Hope hesitantly lowers her wings and shakes Moll's hand. "I'm Hope Schnee." She greets. She then frowns. "Auntie Winter says I shouldn't talk to strangers."

Moll and Lora giggle at those words. "Your auntie is right." Lora says.

Hope looks to Lora. "You said I don't remember you. Did I know you before?"

"In a way." Lora says. "But those memories are gone."

"They were destroyed nearly a month ago." Moll adds. "At least in Earth time."

"Earth time?" Hope questions.

"It's not important." Lora says. "What is important is for you to have a way to understand yourself."

Moll nods. "A way to learn your abilities and powers."

Hope's mind was swimming with many questions and no answers. Lora took note of Hope's expression. "I wish we could tell you everything Hope I truly do, but for now all we can do is give you a gift."

Moll pulls the white bag off her back before offering it to Hope. Hope hesitates slightly before taking it and opening it. Inside was an old book with a large circular symbol on the cover. The book almost seemed to be made from the petals of a flower. Next to the book however we're two silk scarves one red and one blue.

She looked to Moll with a bemused expression. "What are the scarves for?" She asked.

Moll looked to Lora and Hope followed her gaze. Lora held a small smile which seemed to be getting harder for the women in blue to hold. "They are for my daughters." She says. "Mei and Sayó. Im certain you know them."

Hope's eyes widened. "Your their mother's?"

Moll snorts at the question while Lora giggles lightly despite the small trail of tears falling from her eyes. She wipes them away quickly. "Lora is their mother." Moll says. "I'm simply their aunt."

"Like my auntie Winter?" Hope asks.

Moll nods. "Exactly."

Hope then turns back to Lora. "I'll give them the scarves." She says with a smile. Lora pulls Hope in close hugging the small girl.

"Thank you Mosura." Lora says before they part. "Take care now Hope."

Moll pats Hope on the shoulder lightly. "Remember we have our faith in you Hope." She says. Hope could sense the honesty in those words. Then Moll and Lora look back to the ocean and Hope follows their gaze. Far out she could see a large figure glowing a bright blue before a bright flash blinded Hope.

The next thing Hope knew she was waking in up on her mothers bed as Ruby, Yang, and Blake got dressed and ready for class. She could see the bathroom door open where her mother Weiss stood facing a mirror trying to fix her hair up in its usual off center ponytail. She sat up feeling something clenched in her fist. Opening it she saw a white bag about the size of a coin.

Blake was the first to notice Hope and she grins approaching. "Good morning Hope." She says kindly. Then she notices the extremely small bag in her hand and frowns. "What's that Hope?"

Hope looks over with a smile. "It's for Mei and Sayó."


Outside The Kingdom Limits, Atlas

Opening the door to the snow filled landscape before them Coco noticed that they were actually right next to the mountain. Not even forty feet away was a near 90 degree incline filled with jagged rocks covered by snow and ice. Yatsuhashi whistles behind her in awe at the sight. The mountain had to be at least 50-100 meters tall. The 90 degree angle seemed to curve around the halfway point though it was still fascinating to Coco. She shakes the thoughts away as she looks to Fox.

"Fox." She sends.

"I see them." He responds. Quickly Fox leads them around the mountain. That's when a thought came to Coco's mind. This entire time they hadn't seen a single Grimm. By now she had expected to have killed some of Atlas's famous Sabyr's or even Common Beowolves. She felt like whatever the reason was, it was involved with what happened to the village.

After nearly an hour of walking Coco spots the cave from which Fox was leading them. Though to her it didn't look like a cave at all. To her it looked more like a massive Crater. On the side of the large mountain was a cave with a radius of about fifty meters. As they approached Velvet grimaced plugging up her nose with her fingers.

"That smell is horrible." Velvet sends.

Coco narrows her eyes. She steps forward a bit and sniffs. She regret it almost immediately as what she could only describe as a musty, vinegary, and foul smell sent her backing up coughing. Yatsuhashi grimaced as well though Fox simply frowned.

"What do you think is causing that?" Yatsuhashi sends. Before he got an answer however they all got knocked down as the ground shook as if struck by a massive impact. Coco sat up and looked up at the cave before freezing in fear as the cave began to light up with thousands of large and small blue orbs.

Adam Taurus frowns as his scroll rings. On the Scroll was the swirly W. "So that's who." He mutters to himself. He answers and lifts it up to his ear. "What is it."

"A complication has arisen."

Adam growls in frustration. "What kind of Complication?" He asks.

"I'm not sure myself. All I know is that the Grimm were supposed to attack a village near Atlas." The man explains. "That however didn't happen. I have been informed that the Grimm are not approaching that area for some unforeseen reason. This could benefit us. However until we have more information I suggest keeping that in mind."

Adam frowns. "I see. Is that all?" He asks.

"Almost." The man says. "The date of the heist as Roman puts it."


"Saterday afternoon. Most of the students should be away or in their dorms unprepared." The man explains. "Good luck." The call ends.

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