Taking Action

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In Atlas Jacques Schnee sat at his desk absent mindedly signing a document. The document was brought in from Vale so Jacques assumes that the document was for the shops in the Vale branch. The messenger was waiting in the room for him to finish.

Jacques sighs. "There we are." He says as he hands the document back. "Is there anything else?"

"Yes. Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy has requested you and Mrs Willow Schnee to meet him in Vale for an important meeting."

Jacques rolls his eyes. "And what Pretell, did he say this 'meeting' would be about." Before the messenger could continue the door to the room opened with an auditable squeak. In the doorway stood Willow, a bottle of wine in hand. She looked tired and had a faint bruise on her cheek.

"Mrs Schnee?" The messenger asks. She nods. The Messenger turns back to Jacques. "Well to answer your question sir he didn't say. He only said that 'Willow Will Know'." Willow frowns at that and Jacques' face morphed into one of slight anger, though he kept his composure.

Willow approaches the messenger. "Did he give a reason as to why I would know?" She asks.

"Ozpin said that it had to do with the word Mouse-Ura." The man says obviously butchering a name. Jacques gained a look of confusion, but Willow froze. Her hands shook as she lost her grip on the Wine Bottle.

"Mosura." She gasps. "The Queen has returned." Jacques confusion and anger were rising.

"Is everything alright ma'am?" Kline the butler asks. Upon the sound of the bottle shattering he had walked in.

Willow turned to him with a tears starting. "Kline I want you to tell Whitley to pack for Vale. After that prepare a shuttle." Kline nods and hurry's away.

"What do you think your doing." Jacques sneers. Willow would usually cower upon that tone, but not today. If Ozpin's message was true then she would fight her way out if she had to.

"If you knew the importance of that name you would be in more of a hurry to meet with them." Willow states. "If you need me I'll be packing for the trip." With that Willow walked out of the room in a hurry leaving a fuming Jacques.

Back in In the Emerald Forest Weiss, Pyrrha, Jaune, and Ruby approach a large cave. "This is it right?" Jaune asks.

"No." Weiss answers. "If it was a temple then there would be markings or something."

Pyrrha notices a painting on the cave entrance wall. "Like this?" She asks gaining the others attention.

They all approach to see a painting of a large moth being worshiped. Weiss' eyes widened upon seeing it. She quickly walked in pulling out a piece of fire dust for light. The others shrug and follow her in. As Weiss walks she sees more pictures only to stop at one. It depicted a large black moth fighting what Weiss assumes to be Mothra.

"Weiss?" Pyrrha asks. Weiss doesn't respond. "What is all of this? Do you recognize the figure in these paintings?"

Weiss sighs. "I'm not supposed to say." She answers earning a nod from Pyrrha but confused looks from Ruby and Jaune. "Come on. This isn't the right temple." She says. Jaune and Ruby became even more confused, but Pyrrha just nodded. They then walk farther into the forest.

Back on the cliff Ozpin frowns seeing Weiss discovering the cave. When she leads her friends out Ozpin sighs in relief.

"What's wrong Ozpin?" Sayó asks.

Ozpin turns to her. "I apologize, I just don't want her to worry any more than she already is."

Mei nods in understanding. "The cave would tell her more about Battra wouldn't it?"

"And about something much closer. Something resting in that vary cave." Ozpin states grimly. "It took the strength of all four kingdoms to lock it within that Cave. I fear that over the years it's grown stronger."

"What is it?" Sayó asks.

"A Kaiju like Mothra. One that we were lucky to beat."


Infant Island had been in worry since Godzilla's arrival, and the fact he was starving himself upon Mothra's Pedistool was even more concerning. Just off shore a large shark fin passes by as a giant furry ape hops off. Standing on the shores of the Island at 103 meters tall King Kong stands. His fur Black with some Grey coming in as his age starts to show. The Islanders backed away as he passed not even giving them a glance. Kong made his way up the pathway through the mountains and into the Queen's chamber. He saw Godzilla and the state he was in. He gave a large sigh and a sympathetic look. Kong the approached the one who chose to share the title King all those years ago when Kong saved Godzilla's life from a being humanity creatively named Space Godzilla.

From that moment on Godzilla chose to acknowledge Kong as his equal, and his closest friend. During the battle in Tokyo between The False King Ghidorah, Gigan, and beast known as Orga Kong was facing off against a hive of creatures known as Muto's. The Two King's knew that neither Ghidorah or the Muto's could be left alive. One would destroy the planet, and the other would take it over. Kong was unable to beat the Muto's alone however so he had to gain help from those the followed the rule under the Two True King's.

Kong shook his head away from the memories, and focused on his friend in front of him. Godzilla's breathing was hitched and his stomach growled in anger, but he refused to move. Kong approached Godzilla, and took a seat next to him. After a moment Kong gave Godzilla a few light smacks to his face causing the Atomic Lizard to wake slightly angered though he calmed quickly to the smirking face of Kong. Godzilla groaned as he got up. Kong decided to help his friend once he saw the Lizards struggles in doing so himself. Kong then gestures for Godzilla to follow, and the Titan tilts its head in confusion though he follows non the less.

After a light walk for the two(200 miles.) they reached the shore. Waiting there was a monster named Ebirah. A giant lobster like creature. It held a unnaturally large dead squid in its claw. It laid the carcass down and bowed to the King's before leaving. Kong then walked over to a set of trees before he began to create a large fire. He had learned how to do this from a woman whom he taken interest in. He learned many things from her, though that was decades ago. Godzilla was very confused, but equally interested in what Kong was doing. If Kong wanted to cook the carcass why not ask for me to use my atomic breath. Godzilla found no answer to his question.

Soon the fire was large and ready Kong placed the carcass atop the flames and sat there with a smile as he felt the warmth and watched the dancing flames of the fire. Godzilla sat beside Kong and finally began to understand what Kong had wanted. He had wanted to provide comfort and company to a friend in terrible pain. As the carcass cooked the two shared a laugh from Kong using trees to make funny faces and gestures. To the humans it would look like neighbor kids having fun Despite them being over 100 meter tall monsters. After that night of shared titanic calamari Godzilla's path back to heath started. Looking up to the stars Godzilla saw a twinkle that brought a thought to his head. A thought that maybe Mothra was happy in her new life. The though gave him comfort and when he slept that night he slept with a sad smile.

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