Planning And Preperations

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"Your out of your dam mind." Roman says. Behind him Neo and Mercury nod in agreement to their boss. "I don't care if this Salem woman you work for is the queen of the Grimm or not. The fact is that it is suicidal for us in particular to travel to Atlas. Our faces..." He hears someone clear there throat, and he sighs in response. "Okayyy. My face is well know throughout all four kingdoms now. I'll be arrested the second I step foot off the ship."

The man Roman was talking to was a larger muscular man in a green Mistrali outfit with a darker skin tone. His name was Hazel. "Your worries are understandable Roman, but you are needed there. Adam and the White Fang have agreed to this but we need you as well." Hazel explains. "We will supply you with what you need for the task, and unlike last time it's a one time job. From there you can do whatever you want wherever you want." Roman sighs before looking over to Neo and Mercury. They both had worried expressions.

Jet and Pietro sit in the living room of the Polendina household watching The Pumpkin Pete cartoon. Pietro had found out rather quickly that the little android girl loved cartoons, and most especially had taken an interest in Pumpkin Pete.

"Grandpa Pietro?" Jet asks earning the man's attention.

"What is it sweet pea?" Pietro questions in curiosity.

"Do you think I can make cartoons one day?" Jet asks innocently.

Pietro thinks for a moment before shrugging. "I don't see why not. If that's what you want to do then that's what you want to do." Pietro explains. "I certainly won't stop you." Jets eyes light up in excitement and Pietro chuckles. She seemed to be getting ready to say something however she stopped as she looked to the window her bright blue eyes glowing. "What is it sweet pea?"

"Mother's coming home!" She shouts in glee before pausing. "And the Queen is coming here!"


Back at Beacon team RWBY waves to JNPR who were going on a separate transport. "Bye!" Hope shouts  to them as they walk off.

"We'll," Yang starts. "Times a Wasting."  With Yangs words the team enters the Transport. Inside Weiss immediately recognizes Velvet among the crowd.

"Hey Velvet!" Weiss calls out gaining the Faunus girls attention.

"Weiss!" Velvet calls out back waving and walking over. "How's Hope?"

"I'm good." Hope answers gaining giggles from the group.

"That's great to here Hope." Velvet says. "You staying out of trouble?"

"Most of the time." Hope answers. That causes Yang to burst out laughing while Weiss laughed into her hand. The others simply giggled/chuckled.

"At least she's honest Weiss." Yang comments.

Weiss rolls her eyes with a smile. "I suppose that's true." She then brought her attention back to Velvet. "So how are you Velvet? I heard your team was supposed to go on a mission."

"I'm fine." Velvet answers. "And yeah we were supposed to, but after the attack the mission was given to a group of fourth years. Coco is furious about it."

"I can imagine." Yang states.

"Well at least you get to participate in the Vytal Festival Tournament." Ruby says.

Velvets snorts. "Yeah, it's the only reason Coco hasn't popped a blood vessel."

"That would be rather unfortunate." A familiar voice states startling the group all save for Hope who giggles at the reaction. They all turn to see Penny.

"Ah Penny!" Ruby shouts. "When did you get here?"

"I've been here for a few moments now." Penny says with a smile. "It's a pleasure to see you all again."

Velvet discreetly leans in to Weiss. "Who is she?" She whispers.

"We met her in Vale." Weiss explains. "She helped us take Yangs mom to the hospital." Velvet nods accepting the information.

Ozpin sits at his desk in Beacon Tower drinking a cup of hot chocolate. In front of him were Qrow Branwen, General James Ironwood, Professor Glynda Goodwitch, And The Fall Maiden Amber. On his desk Sayó And Mei stand patiently. Simply observing.

"They will be safe." Ironwood declares. "I have made a recommendation to one of my top students to make friends with them, and I have my Ace Ops following the transports with orders to prioritize Hope, and Miss Rose's safety."

"Thank you James." Ozpin says honestly before taking a sip from his mug. "Qrow, What about Raven?"

"She's coming around." Qrow says with a shrug. "Honestly haven't seen her this cooperative before, and I'm certain I know why."

"Oh?" Ironwood questions with clear doubts. "And what Pretell might that be?"

"Her daughter." Qrow says like it was obvious. "Pretty sure actually meeting her has changed Raven, and that not even mentioning Tai." Ironwood huffs and crosses his arms, but says nothing further. "So Oz?" Qrow asks. " what's the plan for security of my sister and Amber?"

"Amber now that she's healed will be sent with you to Atlas Qrow." Ozpin says. "Tai has already agreed to protect Raven and she herself will act as a emergency escape for herself and Tai or you and Amber if necessary. For now that's the move. No full Mission yet. Not until we understand what the next move could be." Qrow nods and Amber sighs.

Glynda places a comforting hand on the Maidens shoulder. "I know it isn't Ideal, but your safety is a top priority much like Hope and Miss Rose. Please understand."

Amber sighs again. "I understand fine. I'm just not to thrilled to be guarded by someone who's always drunk." As she said that the room could hear someone chugging a drink. Everyone looked over to Qrow who was drinking from a flask as they spoke. Noticing the the eyes on him he stops and pulls the flask from his lips only to look at it in slight shame. "See?" Amber adds.

Glynda facepalms at the sight. "We're doomed." She says.

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