Trivial Persuasion

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Neo sits in her seat having watched the match between SSSN and JNPR. It was mostly to pass the time though she had to admit it was funny to see The Invincible Girl get beaten by some kid with blue hair. Even if it was a sacrifice play. Neo shuts off the screen generating a replica of herself using her semblance. The replica winks at Neo before doing a flip disappearing. Neo frowns in thought. Recently she had noticed that her semblance was stronger. It was easier to maintain her illusions and far less distracting to her mind. She would usually feel connected to them like an itch at the back of one's head, but now she just creates them and they just kinda felt... their. She couldn't describe it.

She supposed that's why it had been so easy to take down Lil' Miss. Neo had created several replicas of herself and started thrashing Lil' Miss Malachite's men around. They didn't even seem to pose a challenge. Then she beat Lil' Miss within an inch of her life. Now Lil' Miss feared Neo, and the Spider's of Lil' Miss Malachite's organization had seen it. Neo smiles at the memory. One of Lil' Miss Malachite's more devoted members had spoken out after that. Now the man was currently 4 yards away, and about 6 feet straight down.

Neo closes her eyes focusing. Soon pink flames erupted from Neo's eyes as she created a replica of an ice cream cone in her hand made entirely out of pure ice. She looks to it with a frown. She still didn't understand these powers she had gained, or why her own Semblance was seemingly getting stronger. Her thoughts are interrupted however as she receives a message from her scroll. Looking to it she sees it's from Mercury. She sighs. She still couldn't understand why the boy was sticking with her. Had Roman asked him to before the failure of a heist? She didn't think he had. Mercury did however help her humiliate Lil Miss, and the boy was an excellent assassin despite not having a semblance that she could see. It was a question for another day though as she read the message.

"The Twins have arrived, and they look pissed." The message reads. Neo smirks.

Soon Melanie and Miltiades Malachite walk along the corridor before stopping in front of Mercury who was standing with his arms crossed in front of a door. He smirks opening the door with his prosthetic hand. The Malachite twins narrow their eyes at the man before entering. They had heard about what happened to their mother Lil' Miss. So had many in the Remnant Underworld. They had been surprised by the event. Even more so when they found out that Neopolitan, the girl they used to go to Lady Browning Preparatory Academy For Girls with, was behind it all. The same girl who was once known as Trivia Vanille, and was the daughter to Jimmy and Carmel Vanille. The Malachite twins decided they wouldn't let Neo humiliate their mother like she had and get away with it. They were here to kill her.

Then they entered the room and they stopped with confusion in their eyes. Standing before them was Neo with Roman Torchwick standing behind her and to the right. Their jaws hung slightly. Melanie narrowed her eyes. Roman? But he was dead. How could he be here. No. That's right, he isn't.

"Nice Illusion Vanille." Melanie says smirking dangerously.

Neo silently giggles making Miltia look to Melanie in concern. Neo tilted her head at them pondering something. She had recently had an idea on something she could potentially do with her semblance. For the past few years her semblance had been getting stronger, but more interestingly she had thought about how she could improve them. What was even stranger was that after her encounter with that woman in Atlas Neo had felt her own power get stronger. It felt like her powers had been amplified. Neo thought it would be a good time to test it out. Besides if it didn't work then she could just do the same thing to them as she had done to Lil' Miss.

The Roman illusion twirls a replica of Melodic Cudgel smirking in that same way he always had. Then he opens his mouth. "Yeesh, No manners." The Illusion says. Neo grins seeing Melanie's eyes widen. She was also excited to know she could have her Illusions speak. That left her with oh so many things that she could do. "You know I'd think you'd be more respectful or lady like. That is what you were learning to be at Lady Beats school wasn't it?"

Melanie and Miltiades had no words. Neo turns to the Roman illusion smirking as he returns it. They then look to the Malachite twins with an evil smile. This was going to be more fun than she thought. Now all she needed to do was to learn more about Adam's history, and she would be ready for the day she would tear him apart. But first things first. Neo would make sure the Malachite twin's understood who the boss was around here.

The twins begin backing up only to hear the door slam shut. Turning they saw Mercury Black grinning at them cracking his knuckles. This would certainly be fun.


Team RWBY Temporary Dorm Room, Atlas

After the match Weiss and her teammates congratulated their friends from both teams. During that time Neptune looked to Hope with confusion. He had been about to ask a question only for Hope to put a finger to her lips in a shushing motion. He realized that she had been the one to speak to him in his mind just before the match started. She was likely reading his mind then. He would definitely ask later, but at the time he simply chuckles offering a fist bump. Hope was confused by the gesture for a moment before realizing what he meant, and bumping her fist into his. Weiss was pleased to see Hope was being nice to Neptune.

Now though, the team was currently hanging around their dorm room doing their own things. Hope herself was reading a fairytale with Blake, Yang was doing some pushups, and Ruby was working on some schoolwork while snacking on Strawberries. Weiss herself was trying to keep her mind busy simply scrolling through the CCT net.

Hope found that she enjoyed Fairytales quite a bit, but she liked them even more when someone was reading to her. Her mother Weiss would do so, but she wouldn't tell her mother that she liked it more with Blake reading. Hope's reason was because Blake made all kinds of voices for each of the characters while her Mother Weiss couldn't seem too do the same. She found it funny that her mother despite being a beautiful singer, so much so that she almost sounded like a different person all together, she had a hard time making voices for characters in a book.

The story Blake was reading currently was called The Girl Who Fell Through The World. It was a fantastical tale about a girl named Alyx who was exploring a mysterious place called The Everafter along with a brave Rusted Knight. Hope felt that the Knight was vary brave and cool, though she was curious about the Knight. The book wouldn't describe them much, and it annoyed Hope.

Weiss looked up from her Scroll with a slight look of jealousy seeing Hope listening intently, and Giggling as Blake read the fairytale. She shook her head. She shouldn't be jealous of such things. Besides Hope loved Weiss' singing.

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