The Stowaway, The Woman, And The Girl

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It's been weeks since Weiss and Pyrrha had begun helping Jaune. At the moment Team RWBY and the Junior Member Hope walk along the streets of Vale. The people in town were hanging up decorations and other things for the upcoming Vital Festival. Weiss was practically grinning from ear to ear in excitement.

"Well someone's happy." Yang smirks.

"How could I not? The Vital Festival is amazing!" Weiss argues. "Oh the amount of planning and preparation is simply breathtaking!"

Ruby sighs, while Hope and Blake smile. "Wow Weiss," Yang starts. "You really know how to take a good thing and make it boring." The others snicker at that causing Weiss to frown.

"I find it interesting." Weiss mutters with a pout as Ruby pats her shoulder in sympathy. The group turns the corner to see their destination. The docks.

"So why exactly are we spending our Saturday afternoon at the docks?" Yang asks.

Ruby scrunches up her nose in disgust. "Uhg they smell like fish."

Hope looks out to the ocean in awe as a vision of great big fins swimming by peacefully comes to mind. She doesn't know what they were or what they belonged to, but she felt happy upon seeing them. She felt at home more than ever seeing the rolling waves of the sea.

Blake smiles catching Hopes expression. "Well, Weiss wanted to take Hope to see the ocean, and to spy on the competition for the festival."

Weiss gasps. "You can't prove that second part!" Ruby, Blake, and Yang laugh.

Hopes eyes travel to a cart on the street across from them selling food of some kind. In curiosity Hope tugs on her mother's skirt lightly gaining her attention.

"Mamma what's that?" She asks. Weiss looks over and smiles.

"It's an Ice Cream cart." Weiss answers. "Do you want some?" Hope nods happily. She didn't know what Ice Cream was but she wanted to try it anyway. Weiss turns to the others. "What about you three?"

"Sure." Yang shrugs.

Ruby smiles. "Yes please!"

"I could go for some." Blake says.

And so they walked over. Ruby had gotten the Chocolate Crunch, Yang got the Strawberry Twist, Blake got a Minty Blast, Weiss got the Very Vanilla, and Hope got the Menagerie Fruit Punch. With Ice Cream in hand the group continues their walk down the docks only to see a poster.

Fight For Your Rights!

Don't let the Humans Subjugation stand!

Join The Fight! Join The White Fang!

Weiss sighs. "I get that Faunus aren't treated equally, but am I the only one that thinks the White Fang take things way too far?"

Blake smiles. "No, I agree. They use to fight through peaceful protests and even boycotts, but now they've become too violent."

"Yeah." Yang frowns. "I mean I get it they want equality, but if they alienate humans like we did them then how will there ever be change?"

Ruby sighs. "I just wish people could get along. So what someone has a tail, or wings. That doesn't make them any less of a person."

"Maybe one day." Yang says patting Ruby's shoulder.

"STOP THAT FAUNUS!" The girls turn to see a Faunus man with an open white jacket showing his six pack with a pair of jeans. He jumps off a boat before running down the dock. He quickly climbs up a street light before hanging off of it using his blond monkey tail that matched his short blond hair.

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