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City Of Mantle, Atlas

Jet happily sits upon her mothers lap in the living room of the Polendina home watching a cartoon. Penny happily held the girl close as she watched with her daughter. On the screen it depicted Huntsman: The Animated Series. A story about a vigilante protecting his city during the night. Pietro smiles watching the mother and daughter bonding time.

As the show continues Jet looks up to her mother. "Can I be a hero mom?" She asks.

Penny tilts her head. "I thought you told your grandfather you wanted to make cartoons." She states.

Jet pouts. "Well yeah, but I wanna be a hero too." The little girl says.

Pietro laughs from his spot by his personal workspace. "Well you certainly are ambitious I'll give you that."

"Ambitious?" Jet questions. She then frowns before placing her hands over her ears as her eyes  flash with large strands of text. "A Stong desire to succeed, or to want to satisfy high standards." She thinks for a moment her eyes returning to their normal deep blue. "I agree." She says with satisfaction.

Penny narrows her eyes inspecting her daughter. "My dear daughter Jet. Did you scan the CCT for that words definition?" She asks.

Jet shudders from the tone. "Yes mother." Jet answers worriedly.

Penny then lifts her hands up as a wide smile comes across her lightly freckled face. "I'm so proud of you!" Penny shouts happily. Jet giggles. "Great work daughter Jet."

After a few moments the two return to watching the show as Pietro shakes his head smiling. After a moment Jet tilts her head with a frown before nodding with a smile. Soon text scrolled across her deep blue eyes as the terminal in Pietros workshop turns on. On the screen a new project file was created labeled 'J.A.G.U.A.R'.

Another Part Of The City Of Mantle, Atlas
A tall man wearing a new green trench coat with white wool on the inside. This man was Hazel. His coat was buttoned up and his brown slacks had a Grimm style mask clipped to it. He turns to the Faunus men and women behind him each wearing their uniforms as White Fang members.

"Now remember." He says. "The plan is simple. We cause enough damage as we need to draw the main military force our way. Non of you need to kill anyone." The White Fang members whisper amongst themselves for a moment and Hazel frowns. "Once we are done here we will all retreat using the escape plan you've gone over with your superiors. Do not under any circumstance wait for me should I fall behind. Understood?"

The group all begin nodding as whispers of agreement and excitement could be heard. Hazel nods grabbing the mask and placing it upon his face before pulling up a hood over his head. That's when he noticed snow beginning to fall.


Atlas Central Command Center, Tower M3

This was it. Roman thought. The mission he had been dreading. "No turning back now." He mutters absentmindedly. He was currently wearing a stolen Atlesian military's Officer uniform with the outfit's hat mostly hiding his bright orange hair inside. On his right was Neo in a similar uniform and Mercury on his left. With each of them in their disguises they walked calmly through the building. As they walked with more professionalism than Roman was truly comfortable with they saw medical staff and soldiers making their rounds. Some soldiers saw Roman noted the uniform and saluted before stepping aside. He found that part of this amusing.

So far things had gone exactly as was planned. Roman liked that. It washed away some of his worries and helped him grow more confidence in the job. That being said he still had a bad feeling about this. He lifted up his right hand gazing at the new watch he had noting the time carefully. So far they had avoided all of the Atlesian Knight patrols. Unlike the soldiers the robots wouldn't be fooled by the disguises. He frowns to himself as wonders how the soldiers didn't recognize his face. He almost felt insulted. Then again it was an  insult keeping him out of prison or considering where they were currently death. He decides that he could live with the insult.

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