The Battle Of Vale

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The loud sirens continue as Battra flys around the city blasting buildings and people with its prism beams. The ships from Atlas continue to open fire with little effect. Battra roars in deep anger changing course slightly heading directly for the Atlesian fleet. It horn crown lights a bright yellow as a massive bolt of yellow lightning fires out incinerating one of the Atlesian ships before using its prism beams on a second.

Down on the ground running down the streets Team RWBY can see the fight in the sky. "What the hell is that!!!" Yang shouts.

"Battra." Weiss mutters freezing in fear.

"Mama?" Hope says tearing up. Weiss snaps out of her daze and quickly picks Hope up holding her close as she runs down the street.

"Weiss? Weiss!" Ruby was startled by her friends actions. She looks to Blake and Yang. "Come on let's go!" The two nod and the team follows Weiss who continues down the street and turns a corner. She glances up to the sky as Battra bashes through another Atlesian airship. Far off she could see a large swarm of Grimm flying towards the city attracted to the panic and fear.

Just then Battra turns and roars in the direction of Hope and Weiss. Hope cry's into Weiss' chest as fear had overtaken her. Battras prism beam blasts into a building right next to the two causing Weiss and Hope to be knocked of to the side. As they land a massive white glyph appears under them. Rather than the usual snowflake design Weiss had usually seen this glyph held The Sigil Of Mothra. The rest of Weiss' team managed to catch up as a second glyph appears underneath them. Weiss looks up to the terror of Battra as the beast charges up another Prism Beam.

"STOP!!!" Hope shouts.

The beam blasts towards them only to stop inches away deflected by an invisible barrier. The beam then returns to Battra striking it in the head staggering it and knocking it out of the sky and crashing into a building. Weiss and her teammates were stunned. They look to Hope only to see her body glowing a bright white. Her body then lifts up to the sky as Team RWBY could only watch in awe. The light shines out as massive blue white and black wings spread out covering a fifty meter wing span.

The light dissipates as Hope's transformation ends and Mothra, Protector Of Life, Friend Of Humanity, and Queen Of Monsters flys in her place. With a massive battle cry Mothra takes to the sky as a massive pulse of light blue energy bursts out Disintegrating a massive horde of Grimm attacking the city. Battra shakes itself out of the rubble of the building it had been launched into before looking to the sky and roaring in anger. In extreme speed The Black Moth rams into Mothra knocking her to the ground before fireing a prism beam down upon her only for it to be blocked by a massive Glyph.

In Beacon tower Ozpin looks out to see the battle and frowns. "Oz." A voice says from behind him. Ozpin looks to see a man in a red tattered cape and fancy grey outfit.

"Qrow. Your timing is impeccable. Stay here and guard the school." Ozpin orders.

Qrow frowns. "What are you going to do."

Ozpin lowers his head as he walks to his desk grabbing his cane. "Mothra is not strong enough to defeat Battra. Not yet. She's far to young now. I'm going to give her the time she needs."

Qrow sighs. "That sounds like a one way trip Oz."

"One we all make eventually." Ozpin nods walking over to Qrow. He places a hand on Qrow's shoulder "I'm counting on you to find me again once this is all said and done."

Qrow nods. "You've got it."

Back in the city Battra bites into Mothra's Wing causing the Moth Of Light to screech out in pain before flinging her into another building. Weiss could only watch with tears in her eyes as her daughter whom had become the Moth Of Light get beaten and battered across the city. Suddenly a glyph accented with swords appears in front of her. Crawling out of the glyph was a massive knight with an equally massive sword made of white and blue energy. It offers its hand to the stunned Weiss who jumps into its palm. She had done it she had summoned The knight, an Arma Gigas she had fought before meeting Hope and the twins. The Arma Gigas lifted her up to its shoulder as it grew using another Glyph she had her feet firmly stuck to the Arma Gigas' shoulder as it then charged over through the city streets. Standing at Ten Meters the Arma Gigas approached the battle as Battra bashed its head into Mothra's causing another help of pain.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" Weiss shouts in anger as the Arma Gigas stabs Battra in the eye. It staggers to the side blindly taking to the sky to put distance between them. More Grimm flood into the city as Huntsman and Huntresses hold the line while the civilians evacuate into the transports. Battra looks down to Weiss with its only good eye as it's other eye leaks yellow blood. It roars at the Heiress and Fires a prism beam down to her and the Arma Gigas. The Arma Gigas lifts its massive sword and blocks the attack only for the sword to crack and shatter from the attack.

Battra then fires a second at Mothra and finally breaks through her shields shattering her Aura. Mothra's body glows before shrinking into her human form leaving Hope to fall into the building she had been on. Weiss' eyes widened but she stops to look back at Battra who charges yellow lightning along is Golden Horned Crown. She then sees a bullhead approach from behind. Inside was Professor Ozpin. The pilot turned the ship to the side and opens the doors allowing Ozpin a perfect view of the Beast. He pulls a lever on his cane causing it to collapse inward before handing it by his belt. He then brings his hands together as a beam containing a rainbow of colors fires down onto Battra causing it to screech in pain.

This succeeds in gaining Battra's attention as the Bullhead flys away leading the enraged Battra away. Weiss holds hope that her headmaster would be fine, but needed to find her daughter. The Arma Gigas helps Weiss down into the building and Weiss finds Hope fairly quickly. She rushes over and quickly checks for a pulse. After feeling that Hope's heart was still beating Weiss cried in joy. She picks up her daughter and pulls her unconscious form close crying out in relief.

Ozpin and the pilot lead Battra out to the abandoned expansion of Vale named Mountain Glenn. Once over the kingdom's greatest failure Ozpin looks to the pilot.

"Lower us! Once I'm off get back to Vale!" Ozpin orders.

"Sir? But..."

"Do as I say!" Ozpin shouts. The pilot was startled but nods. He lowers the ship as Battra approaches and Ozpin jumps out. Once on the ground Ozpin launches a second beam of magical energy knocking Battra into a building. Ozpin closes his eyes as magical energy flows around him before shooting out five beams of black magic at the beast causing it to cry out in pain while its body begins to turn to stone. With one final cry out it's over, and Battra is sealed in a temporary prison of stone.

Back in Vale Ruby, Yang, and Blake fight for their lives killing swarms of Grimm. After clearing an intersection Ruby stops.

"Ruby Rose!" Twins day In unison. Ruby, Yang, and Blake turn to see nothing at first until Ruby looked down seeing the twins. "You need to end this."

"End this?" Ruby questions. "How can I do that?" Yang and Blake were speechless and confused at the Twins who were only the size of small action figures.

"Take our hands we can help you!" They state.

Ruby hesitates but kneels down and takes their hands. A golden light emits from the twins quickly traveling up Ruby's arm and stops at her head as is stops glowing Ruby's vision slowly begins to fade as a bright white light erupts from her eyes exploding out over the entirety of Vale and even farther all Grimm vaporizing instantly.

People all throughout the city hold their breaths looking around at the black smoke of the dead Grimm. From their people began to cheer. In the sky the sound of ships approaching gets louder as a fleet of Schnee Dust Company Ships along with more Atlesian assault ships arrive. Vale was once again safe, and could rebuild.

Yang and Blake look to Ruby who holds her head in pain before passing out. Yang catches her and looks to where the twins were in anger only to notice that they were gone.

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