Last chance

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I started with motivation.

-- Flashback/thing that happened in the past? --

Hawaii closed the door to her room, she forgot why she went in there, she just knew something was waiting for her there. She was right.

The room was abnormally dark, it was cold. Hawaii hadn't been afraid in a long time, a little darkness, unknown intentions, and chills weren't gonna change that. She flicked the light switch on, nothing happened, how is she supposed to find whatever it was she was looking for in the dark? does the universe think she can see in the dark? She opened the curtains, in an attempt to make it more visible in the room. She sighed, looking around the room, expecting to find something, it was still dark though. After a little while of looking for the unknown object she gave up, turning to leave for the door,

"Hawaii," Her breath hitched, and she quickly turned to a barely visible figure, who had what seemed like a 'friendly' smile to her.

"Who are you?" she asked, not a hint of fear or suspicion in her voice. The man chuckled, this was gonna be easier than he thought.

"My name is Dixie, I'm a... friend of your ma's, I've met ya' before, though you were very young," He said, with a deep southern accent. She hummed thoughtfully, she didn't remember a single thing about him.

"How come you're in my room?" She asked,

"I was just lookin' for ya, took a while but 'found ya" He answered,

"What do you want from me?" She seemed genuinely confused, she trusted him already.

"your ma asked me to come to pick ya' up, that British tea bas- man revealed his secret so he's revealing one of his kids, which just so happens to be you, kid," He said, almost forgetting that she was still a small child. She thought for a second,

"Alright Mr. Dixie, I'll go with you,"

-Time skip brought to you by my lack of creativity-

The room was awkwardly silent, the only sound being NATO quickly typing an email, most likely to the other organizations who had not been able to help due to their own busy schedules.

After telling everyone about the Confederate, Russia told him to sit down, he didn't trust his headache it just kept getting worse, so bad even that America's vision is blurry. UN tried contacting WHO, asking if she was available to help but, as expected, she was not.

conversation struck in the room as nations started using their brain instead of just staring at the closest suffering person for answers, they started yelling about what they were gonna do if whoever the hell America was talking about stealing a child, would kidnap a nation.

"My concern is why you said 'steal' This is a living being we're talking about not a prize!" Britain corrected,

"Oh whatever Brit, as if anyone cares, the more important part is the nations!" Brazil snapped,

"Well, if you think about the fact americas children are states if whoever it is that's stealing land from the United States automatically becomes a threat to all of us including America," Portugal says, mostly speaking to his son, who nodded in understanding.

"Do we have to argue about if it's a threat? Obviously, it is, we're talking about a kidnapper if you've forgotten, anyone who thinks kidnapping in any way is okay is a threat" Russia stated, holding a cold towel to his lover's head.

"This is stupid- have you guys ever had a civil UN meeting? Russia's right, you shouldn't have to think about if a kidnapper is a threat to you or not, especially if their goal is to expand their land" NATO set down his phone, letting out a small sigh, "we are going to talk, and were going to do it without arguing" he waited for everyone's attention, taking a lot longer than expected.

"Are we allowed to speak to eachotho-" Australia asked,

"As long as it doesn't end up in a fight" NATO confirmed, cutting him off. NATO then continued asking everyone questions, it felt like an interrogation but instead of how it would normally be, 1 on 1, it was an entire room. NATO asked questions like:
'Is there any designated places that you guys think a technically-six-year-old child would go?', or just questions for Ame and his kids, since NATO didn't know how much Russia knew about them.


The confederate stood outside the mysterious building, he didn't really know what to do, or what to do when Hawaii woke up, which could possibly be at least a day. some one yelled something from the distance, in a casual way, as if trying to get someones attention.

"HEY- you're that weird confederate guy that everyone at the meeting said was being 'suspicious' Ja?" A guy with a very German accent said, from right behind him. CSA turned around, surprised to see Reich at this time, slightly concerned too.

"W-What are you doin' ere?" he asked, with a defensive sounding tone. How did Reich manage to find him? could anyone else find him out here?

"before you say anything, Nein, no one that ist an actual threat to you can find you here, I just happened to know my ways around this area, seemed like a place i'd find you" The German said,

"Okay. What do you want from me??" confetti asked, his voice laced with annoyance. Reich thought for a moment, obviously just to piss off the impatient American. Confetti sighed, "What do you want."

"Just wanted to talk, 'have a few questions" Third said. Confederate glared at him, he didnt want to talk to this @asshole that suddenly just appeared behind him.

"Alright? And?"

"Do you really think you can beat Amerika? no offence but he is a world superpower.. And he beat you last time" Third said, sounding genuine, not like he was actually trying to offend confetti. The confederate stared at him like he was stupid, most likely because he assumed that he hadn't thought this through.

"I don' know if you can't tell but Union has gotten weaker. Mentally. He almos' lost last time cause he was too soft, he couldn't hurt his own citizens, he couldn't then an' he wouldn't now," He said, proud of his planning. Third stared at him in disbelief, how is it this hard to change the mind of this guy?

"What are you going to do if you win?" He asked,

"Well, I'll keep workin' on my military, prob'ly invade another country"

"The nations will think this through, they might even help Amerika because they know it'll make them look good, or just because they know you'll invade them if you won," Third argued,

"I'll be prepared, although there's a chance they'll leave it to the 'superpower' to win it, ya know, leave it to the strongest"

"Aber-" (but)

"Do ya not believe me? I'll prove it to ya, Union will lose another one by the end of 'morrow"

"Nein-" Confederate then walked away, ignoring anything else Third had or wanted to say. "Scheiße"

And this was the last chance to change his mind

also does this count as a cliffhanger-

1194 words

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