"Well, it was gonna happen anyway."

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Russia and America entered the room. Ame immediately glanced at where Britain had been sitting and glared at him, he wasn't gonna let any British man tell his family's secret.

"Welcome Russia and America, we are still waiting on a few others, you may sit down" UN said, motioning to the empty seats by Canada and Ukraine who were too busy chatting with each other to notice their siblings just walked in. They both took their seats, 

"Hey Ame! how're you doing, eh?" Canada asked, turning to his younger brother.

"Ah, I'm doing fine" he answered, 

"that's good, how about you Rus?" Russia turned his head,

"hm? oh... yeah I'm ok, a little worried about someone else though" He said, looking at America.

"I'm fine Rus, stop worrying so much! anyway, i'm gonna go have a quick chat with dad" He quickly walked towards his father, who had been avoiding his gaze for the past few minutes , he definitely made it look a lot more obvious than he intended, 

"Dad." this almost made Britain jump, 

"it's Father, and what do you need America?" Britain said, 

"Dad, I know you want to tell them." Britain nodded, America continued "I swear on my life, if you tell them I will nuke you, I don't even care if you tell them about my kids, don't tell them about the man I know you saw" with that, he left, leaving Britain confused, or just concerned for his own safety. Once everyone had sat down, UN started the meeting.

"Okay, we're starting now everyone, would anyone like to start us off?" He asked, not so subtly aiming his question to the countries he sent to America's house.

"I have something important to share," Britain said. America glared at him, now his secret is gonna be revealed, great. Britain continued, "I may have found out something particularly surprising when I visited America," 

"Hm? you mean to tell us America has been keeping something big from us?" UN asked, pretending like he hadn't been suspicious of him for the last several weeks,

"Oh замолчи, you all obviously knew he was hiding something, it's not like you needed to know anyway but here we are, revealing something that is none of your business" Russia snapped,
(shut up)

"Rus is right, even I wish I hadn't found out the way I did, none of us needed to know his secret so neither do you all" Germany added, agreeing with his friend. Everyone looked at them like they were traitors, which in their situation, was mostly true. Britain opened his mouth to continue when Russia's phone went off, he picked it up,

"Yes?" the voice on the other line seemed panicked, it sounded like there was background commotion as well, "What?!" Russia shot up from his seat, his face showed a mix of emotions, somewhat between terrified and angry. The voice on the other side said something, "I- I'm giving the phone to Ame, kay?" he handed the phone over, 

"Who-" the voice interrupted him, "WHAT?!" Russia was pacing back and fourth by his seat, his face now showed nothing but panic, "Uh- did- did you look by the pond? in her room? what about-" he was interrupted again, a wave of dread washed over him, visibly. 

"They looked there didn't they?" Russia asked him, stopping his pacing. America nodded. The others just watched as the two countries panicked, if they interrupted it would be disrespectful to say the least. Russia continued panicking, "блять, блять, блять, where could she be?" 

"Um- did- do you think she's coming here?" the voice responded, "No no no, it's not your fault, you couldn't have known, just- just have someone come here and we'll sort this out" the voice asked something, "no, you're ok to come here" ... "Well, it was gonna happen anyway." America hung up and gave the phone back to Russia,

"Are they coming?" He asked, Ame nodded.

"Uh- dad, I feel like you don't need to tell them anymore" Britain nodded, still not understanding the situation.

"What was that phone call Amérique?" France asked, audible concern in his voice. 

"I- you'll find out in a minute dad, just- just wait, kay guys?" they nodded, America seemed tired. he sat back down, sighing.

"You ok? I know whatever it was must've been bad, eh" Canada asked, both Ame and Rus shook their head, they were worried, and whatever it was they were worrying about must've been important to them.

"Okay, well, we'll continue the meeting until whoever is supposed to come here gets here." after UN said that the meeting continued, like usual, people were bickering, others actually having thoughtful conversations, but most were just chatting. The only different thing was the weird vibe in the room, it was dark, as if someone had died and they were all pretending nothing happened.

"MOM! DAD!" three children with unknown flags barged into the room the smallest clinging onto America, who crouched down patting their head. 

"America, who are these... children?" they looked at UN, not really caring about the situation going on in the room.

"Uh- we're the united states, his children, we call him 'mom' or 'ma' I don't really remember why... anyway, we are having a situation currently if you can't tell." California said, going back to the current situation

"M-Mom we c-can't find 'er, we looked everrywheree" the small state clinging onto america cried out, burying their face into his chest. 

"it's okay Alaska, we'll find her, don't worry hun," 

"Hey, Ame-kun if you don't mind me asking, which state is missing?" Japan asked, 

"they can't find Hawaii..." he answered, quietly. Alaska continued crying in his chest. 

"We'll find her, right Ame? I doubt anyone in this room took her so that rules out a lot right?" Russia added, reassuring his partner. He set his hand on Ame's shoulder in an attempt to make him feel better. America took a deep breath, he turned to Virginia, who had been looking down the entire time. 

"Hey, it's ok my lil' old Dominion, it's not your fault, you helped take care of a lot of children" he reassured her. 

"but Ma-" 

"It's ok Virginia." he said, again. she looked at him with glossy eyes, how could she lose Hawaii?
she felt terrible, but the reassurance from her father made her feel better, she could tell by the look in Russia's eyes that he wanted to help as well but he felt too panicked. 

"Okay, i'm gonna go take a breather, don't follow me" America said, giving a threatening glare to the other countries, he left the room and stood in the hallway, leaning against the cold wall, he took a deep breath.


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