Vacation p3

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Welcome to another trash chapter<3
Enjoy the random calm i guess->

POV: Ukraine

I'm so happy for my brother, even though we don't get along naturally he's still my brother, and when your lonely brother finally gets a boyfriend the least you can do is be happy for him.

Several of Ame's children were sitting at the window, about four were pestering Poland and Germany, there were seven on Canada, and the rest were not visible. A small state walked up to me, holding a shell

"Sir?" She asked, sweetly

"It's ok, you can just call me Ukraine, what is it you need?" he smiled brightly

"Oh! Hello mr. Ukraine, my name is Hawaii! Can you play with me outside? I don't really know my brothers beaches that well..." I nodded

"Of course!"

POV: Third Person (with The older states)

"Ok. We're gonna talk about when the tea bastard came over" he sighed "Who else wanted to kill him" several hands raised "ok... what are we gonna do to if he comes over again"

"MURDER THE A**HOLE!!" Yelled a very short state

"I'm gonna yeehaw that b*ch into the moon with my guns" said a very pissed Texan (I love saying/typing yeehaw)

"I'm gonna tell dad your planning to kill someone~"

"COME ON! He's BRITAIN he's THE F*CKING UK!!!" Yell Massachusetts

"I don't care, I'm still telling dad~"

"Missouri where the f* did you even come from"

"I've been here the entire time, but you guys always forget about me so I'm getting you in trouble" he whined

"Your a real a**hole, you know that?" Said New York

"I'm telling dad your all swearing and you called me a name" Texas swore pulling out his pistol

"Texas you are NOT going to shoot our brother for being a tattletale" Texas scoffed not putting his pistol back .

"What in the world is going on here?!?" America walked in to see several children ready to fight, one child with a gun aimed directly at Missouri's foot, who also looked ready to fight, and one child leaned against the wall acting like it was all normal, which it was all normal.

"Your all grounded. The older states for either starting or not stopping a conflict, Texas and Missouri for almost getting into a gun fight, and the rest of the states for either not stepping in or being a part of this nonsense. End of discussion, go to your rooms" they left the room disappointed nothing happened, and sad they got grounded on vacation.

<with RusAme, GerPol, and Japan>

"Where's Canada?" Asked America

"I think him and Ukraine were hanging out with the small one, not sure what her name was though" he nodded taking a seat by his friends "hey Ame?"

"Yeah?" He replied as Russia sat by them, joining their conversation

"You guys are together right? I mean, it's honestly very obvious"

"F*ck we were that obvious?!" America blurred out "does the UN know?" He asked, not wanting that secret to be revealed to a bunch of countries that don't necessarily like him.

"No, I don't think so, we mostly noticed when we came over" America felt a wave of relief "America?"


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