Midnight Cuddles

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There's so much fluff- I can't (this is the song btw)


Pov: Russia

Once I was done feeding, lecturing, and putting America's children to sleep I went down the stairs towards the living room to check on America. When i saw Ame he was sitting up, sobbing. I didn't freak out, i understood. I walked up to couch and sat on the other side motioning for him to lay on my chest.

"it's alright Америка" America laid there quietly sobbing while I hug him, humming.

Once he had fallen asleep i picked him up bridal style and brought him to his bed and lay next to him, I wiped a tear off his cheek with my thumb and lay there humming until I had fallen asleep.

Pov: America

I woke up in my bed laying next to Russia, his hand on my cheek. I can't believe I let him see me like this I feel pathetic. I didn't even get any work done, I let a tear fall down my cheek, which somehow woke up Russia

"что не так, америка??" he said with a thick Russian accent.

"I-it's nothing" I responded, knowing very well that Russia wouldn't take 'nothing' for an answer this time.

"Америка." he said my name, knowing that would make me answer

"I feel useless for not getting any work done." I answered  hoping he didn't notice there was more, fuck, he nodded and waited for me to continue meaning he saw through my trick.

"a-and I feel pathetic for letting myself cry in front of someone, an' I wasted my time sleeping, an' my kids-"

"shh, it's ok Ame" he pulled the panicked American close, humming quietly, calming down the American. Once America had fallen asleep he kissed him on the forehead and continued humming his favorite song France had shown him.

Sorry this chapter was short, I needed sweet fluff :))

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