Big fluffy juicy chapter 4

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My friend named this chapter btw

POV: Russia

Once the elevator had stopped and the doors opened, we walked out of the building and into his car. I don't know why but, I'm concerned for Ame... wait did I just give him a nickname? what is up with me lately, I hugged him... no i'm overthinking this, he needed that hug i'm just being a nice person, yeah a nice person.

his car smelled nice, I couldn't quite make out what it did smell like but whatever it was, it smelled good.

"so... you promise you won't freak out or get overwhelmed by my children? some of them aren't super crazy all the time but all of them can be a little much..." I looked at him, he wasn't smiling, he looked tired, and sad. I smiled at him (which I don't do much).

"it'll be fine, I have plenty of siblings I used to take care of all the time this is just...(doing the math)... over 13 times that!" it wasn't sarcasm I could totally handle it.

"ok, if you say so..." America replied reluctantly "wait, I didn't say you had to take care of them I-" I cut him off,

"You're tired Ame, you need to relax you look just as bad as Germany, and that's saying something!" wait... did i just use the nickname again? ugh, what is up with me lately??

"F-fine, I'll relax, we're almost there by the way" he replied blushing, cute... Blayt, I like him don't I?

When they got to America's house...

Pov: Third Person

the door swung open and 46 out of 50 states ran to their tired father.

"hey, kids" america said smiling softly, then they heard a loud gunshot, which startled Russia.

"what in Putin's great glory was that?" he looked at america who giggled, Russia blushed.

"hey Apple, where's Tex and the rest of you?" he asked knowing that it was most likely Texas shooting upstairs

"Tell us who that is first" they pointed at Russia.

"oh him? this is Russia one of my coworkers, he's supposed to be staying with us for a little while-" America's smile faded after hearing another gunshot "now where are they?"

"their on the third flawr Texas and Georgia are having a shooting contest, Della and Massie are trying to split them up" just then Delaware and Massachusetts came down with two tied up states.

"Howdy, papa!" Texas greeted his father from his tied up position, America face-palmed and sighed

"what did you start this time-" he was quickly cut off by Utah

"Actually, it all started with Washington selling marijuana to Oregon" America searched the area for Washington who immediately backed away, Florida tripped him and tied his hands

"Fuck you Florida, your never getting free marijuana again" he yelled angrily.

"Language, Oregon hand it over" Oregon hissed and stepped back, no one dared stop him.

"are they always like this?" Russia asked

"yeah, it's fine" America responded sighing

"Hey papa, who's this guy? ya gay or something?" America blushed, Russia blushed as well but he also let out a little laugh which made America blush a little more.

"u-uh, no no no he's another country uhmm-" he stuttered Russia chuckled

"our, uh what do we call him? uh, boss, Yeah he was worried about America so he had me stay here for a while" America stopped muttering

" is that really what happened?" he whispered

"no the Cyka wants me to expose you" America looked a little frightened at that response

"y-you wouldn't-t-"

"no i wouldn't, don't worry, now go relax on the couch, красивая" Alaska heard that and smirked. America reluctantly walked towards the couch and laid down slowly dozing off peacefully.

This was painful, I love this ship though :))

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