No more secrets

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There is way too much cringe in this chapter also I use google translate for most languages except English and some German

POV: Russia

I had woken up to a loud banging noise from downstairs, and someone yelling/singing something I couldn't quite make out the words to.

I quietly got up from my spot on the bed I had slept on. When I came downstairs everything stopped.

"Where were you and papa?" Asked Georgia

"We slept in, are the other older states asleep?" I couldn't find their flags in the crowd of states in front of me.

"You betcha, also Oregon, Florida, Texas, and California are supposedly awake, we all just lost em'" I nodded knowing where they were (Ame had told me where some of the states liked to be alone)

"It's ok I know where they might be, I trust that they're ok" I looked over to the kitchen, it looked like a mess

"What happened over here?" Some states looked guilty while others just started giggling

"We might have made a little mess while making breakfast" Colorado responded sheepishly.

"That's alright, Maine mind telling me the three most chaotic states this morning?" All the states turned to their older sibling, who contemplated on the question.

"Ohio was being a jerk, Idaho was throwing potatoes at everyone, and New York was running around yelling 'I'm da biggest bird' in everyone's ears" I was honestly impressed at how quickly he ratted out his siblings, then I remembered when I lived with my siblings.

"You three go clean up the kitchen, I'll wake up your father for the day" they walked towards the mess, reluctantly, The rest of the states nodded understanding.

I walk back upstairs to America's room and open the door, he was sitting up playing with his wings... wait he has wings?! I run over to the American confused.

"You have wings?" He looked up at me surprised.

"Oh, yeah I've been hiding them for a while," he said looking away, I sat down next to him.

"How come you hid them?"

"Uh... I found out something"

"What is it?"

"I have a similar thing to Reich, which I am not happy about, we have sharp teeth, and fluffy wings also I can see specific dead countries through one of my eyes." I looked at him concerned, but mostly because he was keeping another secret from everyone including his children.

"You hid it from everyone because of Third Reich?"

"Yeah, plus the eye thing"

"I think it's cool, who can you see?" He looked unsure, then he looked me in the eyes and his expression softened slightly.

"Did UN ever tell you about the American civil war?" Honestly all I remember hearing was how it was the bloodiest war in American history and how he didn't want to talk about it.

"A little bit" I responded curiously

"It was me and... Confederate, I beat him but at a large cost, around 629,000 to 750,000 people died and my children are still terrified, so most of the time when my glasses are off I can see him or your father, or Third." He's just stopped keeping things from me at this point.

"Did you ever tried to see if you make them completely visible or you can see them?" I asked curiously.

" I can try now..." I smiled at him and grabbed his hand in mine as he slipped off his glasses revealing his one black eye and one eye that looked like a flag...

"What flag is that?"

"The confederacy flag, one that I hate with all my heart" suddenly a dim red country wearing extremely warm clothes showed up

"D@mn @m3r1ca 1 th0ught y0u w3r3 n3v3r g0nn@ t@k3 0ff y0ur gl@ss3s..." he looked at me and then back at the American and then at our hands then at the American who now had his head down at the ground.


"Привет, отец (hey father)" confirming that I could kinda see him.

"ты гей для американца?" I chuckled at his question which definitely answered it.(I'm not telling you the question)

"See Ame, it worked!" I smiled at him happily, then he looked at me and smiled back

"And thank god that the racist bastard confederacy isn't here right now," he said relieved, my father nodded as well, meaning he's probably had plenty of time to meet this person.

"1v3 g0t t0 l3@v3 f0r @ b1t, s33 y0u l@t3r," my father said, speaking English again

"Bye, father!" Once he left I brought America to the now slightly peaceful scene of several states watching tv quietly-ish, playing games quietly-ish, and cleaning. America thanked me and hugged me without any states seeing.

"So are we like, together or.." he asked, I pulled him into a light kiss, trying to make sure none of the states saw, which didn't work because one of the states yelled out a 'YES!!' And told the others, now we were some sorta family.

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