Vacation p2

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Another promised chapter-

POV: Russia

We got out of the car to a large-ish teal house by the beach in Seaside, we took a breath of the cold Oregonian air.

"This is it!" Oregon shouted, running up to the front of the house to unlock it, "C'mon!" Everyone ran up to the front of the house. You could hear the waves crashing as the tide comes in.

"Ok. Oregon, how many rooms are there?" Oregon counted on his fingers

"Uhhh... 14 I think" America counted heads, and told everyone which room they were going to. Once everyone had found their rooms I walked over to America,

(Here comes the wholesome)

"Do you wanna go for a walk on the beach, Oregon says it's pretty empty at this time of day" he nodded as I took his hand and took him out the door.

You could smell the beach from the house, probably because it was pretty close.

"This is one of my favorite calm places, I go here rarely but it's still nice," Ame said, taking a deep breath

"Is that why you chose here?"

"Yeah, I think we needed some calm beach air, you know?" I nodded, understanding his point of view

We walked for a short while until we got to the beach. This part of the city was more secluded, so it was a smaller beach with barely anyone nearby. I could see small beach bonfires in the dark, Ame and I walked on the cold sand of the beach that was wet from the recent tide which is now very low.

"You're right. This is calming" he chuckled

"I told you so," he said with a big smile, and honestly I haven't seen him smile like that in a while.

POV: America

We get back to the house, it was so quiet. There were states watching tv, drawing, playing outside, reading, and exploring the large house. No states were fighting or being mischievous. This is why we needed a vacation.

"I'm gonna make some dinner, I think there's crab and stuff in the fridge" He nodded and kissed me before leaving me alone in the kitchen.

POV: Russia

I was playing a board game with the kids until I heard a faint shatter noise come from the kitchen, I don't think anyone else heard it due to the fact I was closest to the kitchen and I have pretty good hearing.

"I'm gonna go check on Ame, I'll be back!" I walked to the kitchen, what could he have done? Walking with my thoughts is extremely hard, especially if those thoughts are all caused by stress.

"Ruski?" He asked when I walked in, I know something happened

"What happened," I asked sounding more like a statement.

"Nothing" he quickly responded, he's completely lying

"America- You're not wearing your sunglasses" he reached for them but ended the poking his eye

"Ow- I don't know where they went"

"Really?" He looked guilty

"Really. now leave me alone I'm almost done with dinner" I walked out of the kitchen, worried.

Sorry, it's so short- I've been busy lately but I'll try to write longer chapters. Thank you bye!
532 words

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