'Do we trust them?'

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3rd person POV

America leaned against the wall, waiting for the rest of the states to finish getting ready. A small child wearing a blue swimsuit and a floppy straw sunhat.

"Ma?" she asked, her innocent face tilted slightly to the side.

"Yes flower?" he responded, slightly bending down to her level.

"I'm done packing! are we leaving yet?" she asked, he chuckled and thought for a moment,

"We're waiting on Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois," he answered, she sighed,

"thanks ma" she said, sounding disappointed. America walked down the nearly empty hallways, all the others were downstairs waiting.

"Ma!" Kentucky came running at his father, a slightly panicked tone in his voice. America opened his mouth to answer but quickly shut it when he was pulled by the sleeve into one of the rooms. He saw Illinois and Indiana yelling at each other, their words Incoherent to anyone witnessing. There were full suitcases on the beds, meaning they had already finished packing.

"What are you two fighting about?" He asked, startling them, they immediately stopped and looked to their father, then at each other, and back to their father.

"He started yelling at me for stealing his hairbrush-" America cut her off

"you're fighting about a hairbrush?" he sighed, "can you guys please stop arguing and come downstairs when you're done?" He left the room, leaving the three there, they stood there, staring at each other.

"Sorry ya'll just didn't know how to help-" Kentucky said, Illinois interrupted

"It's ok chicken" Kentucky groaned at the nickname, shutting his suitcase and leaving the room.

The Beach

Once the cars were parked, all the states poured out into the sand, thankfully it was a pretty warm day.

"All right! everyone needs a towel, find a spot on the sand by the water, stay close to this designated area, the usual, have fun!" America said, they grabbed their towels and ran to find a good spot in the sand before anyone else got to it. Not long after children were running around or just hanging out on the beach. America sat on a towel by Russia, feeling a little too exhausted to do much.

"Do you know where the other countries went?" Russia asked, casually, America hummed thoughtfully.

"I think Can and Ukraine are by the water and the others are somewhere digging in the sand" He answered before laying down and closing his eyes.

"is something wrong?" Russia asked, Ame chuckled

"Nah, m'just relaxing, you should too" Russia looked at him, taken aback from the comment. Eventually, he laid down too, staring up at the clouds.

Done ya'll just love some fluff? Even if it's small<3
Anyway, with the states: (Mostly Texas Ig)

"Do ya'll actually trust em'?" Texas asked, catching the attention of the states around him, who weren't exactly doing anything.

"Of course we do! they're nice, they're our dads' friends, and they haven't done anything bad," Arizona assured, earning nods from a few others around her.

"Who? What are ya'll talkin' about?" Alabama asked, clueless as they looked up from his notebook.

"Ma and dad's friends, ya' know, the countries," Arkansas answered, quickly. Alabama let out a quiet 'oh' before opening up his notebook again to write whatever it was he was writing.

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