"Why didn't you tell us?"

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This just keeps getting cringier.

POV: America/USA/Union

"Howdy, Union"  seriously I hate this guy

"Go the fuck away" he smirked, I really hate this guy

"Why should I? Your the one who took off your glasses, now all of y'all can see me" I want to punch this guy so hard in the face right now
"You can't punch me, Union." You could hear his extreme southern accent.

"America who are they?" Ukraine asked, causing me to jump. I looked over at Canada who looked frightened, he already knew who this bastard was.

"Nobody important-"

"I'm so hurt Union" what a stupid smirk

"Go the fuck away"

"Why do they call you union?" Russia had walked in.

"Is this the guy you told me about?" He walked towards me, I nodded and he picked me up

"Really?" He smiled and set me down farther away from him and sat behind me so I could lean on him.

"Seriously though who is he-" asked Germany

"I'm everyone's favorite racist bastard"

"My father?" He asked confusingly

"Confederate States of America, CSA, or Confederacy." The bastard figured I had not told them anything.

"America did you have a civil war? And you didn't tell us?" I nodded.

"Honestly union, I'm hurt," he said dramatically, I rolled my eyes

"Why didn't you tell us?" I'm about to let confederacy shoot my father.

"I didn't want to, it's personal."

"More like it affected ya' more than the revolution" he laughed, this motherf*cker I swear. Then, New York walked in.

"Da- HOLY SHIT" they yelled surprised to see Confed

the only time I will let you swear in front of me is when you're looking at confederacy." They just started swearing until I told them they couldn't anymore

"You're not going to explain?"

"Yeah union," he said with an annoyingly condescending tone.

"Fuck off all of you, I'm tired I just want to sleep, maybe Poland and Germany can stay"

"Wow imagine havin' a child or brother that don' wanna be near you, couldn't be me." My father glared at him while Canada was still frightened.

"I don't not wanna be around Canada he doesn't wanna be in a house with your southern ass"

"Whatever" he then disappeared

"I think we're gonna go, thanks for not letting your children kill us"

"We still might," said New York

"No you won't Apple," he sighed and left the room

"So... no explanation?"

"Nope!" I motioned for them to leave.

After everyone left

"I love you Ruski"

"I love you too Ame"

Haha the end is gay- sorry for the short chapter
437 words

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