America needs to relax

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POV: Alaska

I woke up to an alarm coming from my dad's room, I checked my own clock to see what time it was, 6:00? Why did dad set his alarm that early?

I walked out of my room quietly so I didn't wake up the 21 chaotic siblings in my room, I opened my fathers door to see him and the Russian guy cuddling.

"Awww" I whispered, knowing that the Russian guy heard me.

"Shh" he whispered slowly moving up from his position, he quietly stepped off the bed barely making noise. He motioned for me to leave the room with him then he closed the door behind us making sure any sound that can from the outside of the room stays outside the room.

"Don't wake your father up, he needs rest" he told me in a calming manner.

"Yes mister Russian man" I responded quietly. We walked down the stairs to find two already woken up states

"What are all you children doing up this early?" He asks them, probably also referring to me.

"We're not tired, anyway where's pa?" He asked the talk Russian man, he probably thought dad had stayed up all night again.

"Mister Russian man got him to sleep! He said he needs rest" my two siblings looked at him like he was a god, honestly I would've if I hadn't of seen how he got him to sleep.

"We've tried to get 'em to sleep more time than you can shake a stick at!" Texas said still in shock from hearing that our dad. America has had a peaceful sleep because a random Russian country convinced him to.

"You wouldn't be surprised if you knew how he got him to sleep" I smirked while my sibling looked at me, shock practically printed on their face.

"How." Massachusetts asked sounding fairly demanding.

"Cuddles, it was so cute" mister Russian man blushed slightly at my response while one of my siblings smirked and the other one looked exited, Tex came up with his own nickname for mister Russian man.

"Step-papa Russia!" He whisper-shouted, mister Russian man just flusteredly walked toward the kitchen and started making breakfast

"How many pancakes does your father usually make?" Mister Russian man had found the large homemade tub of pancake mix that dad had stuffed in the pantry.

"He makes 40 because the rest of us don't like pancakes and they either make themselves breakfast or they eat cereal" I very helpfully responded.

"Oh, ok do any of you wanna help?" Massachusetts volunteered and Tex just sat on the couch watching the Texas news (I'll let y'all's guess what that's about)

Soon we had made 42 pancakes because I had messed a couple up, but it's fine because we used the messed up ones as taste testing ones, mister Russian man would be a great dad.

Time skip

Once all my siblings that were gonna wake up before it turned to 12:00pm had woken up we feasted on the delicious pancakes.

"Where's your other siblings?" Mister Russian step-dad asked.

"They're either in completely wonky time-zones or they stayed up all night on Facebook doing drugs
or something like that, so they won't be up till way later" Maryland responded sounding like the most responsible state

"Stop acting like your better than everyone, Mary" said Idaho.

"Stop fighting kids, you don't want to wake up your father" mister Russian step-dad said. then suddenly I heard footsteps from upstairs.

"Someone's awake" I stated making sure I'm not the only one who hears it.

"A little too late to not wake me up" dad had heard what the tall man said. "Oh you made food-"

"Your not gonna do anything today besides eat, sleep, and socialize with your children 'unless you don't want to'" dad chuckled and then reluctantly lay in the couch and turned on the Texas news again, he wanted to find out what important laws big brother had skipped out on this year.

POV: third person

Every child was noticing his fathers little 'crush' they also knew about Russia's crush on their father and it only took a day to figure it out.

Time skip

America had just helped Russia put the kids to bed and now they were quietly cuddling because America wouldn't of fallen asleep otherwise.

"Hey Ruski? America asked blushing

"Yes, what is it?" Russia knew what it was but he just had to clarify

"I think I-" Russia cut him off with a light kiss

"I love you too" they both lay in silence until they had fallen asleep peacefully.

I spent all night writing this

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