▷| 4x22 - All Or Nothing

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A/n: Warning of suggestive sexual content toward the end of this chapter.


"All right guys, it's finally here, regionals" Mr Schue stated, making all of us cheer. "I just found out, because of safety concerns related to late season tornados Indianapolis has declined to host the competition. So, as defending champions we're having regionals here, in our auditorium." He revealed.

"Home court advantage, yo!" Artie celebrated.

"Now, because of a sexting scandal at Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness, their glee club, the Nun-Touchables, has been excommunicated by the new Pope." Did I hear that right? I must of because everyone else acted like they had been following this for weeks. "They've been replaced by the world-famous boys of Ziegler Prep, the Waffletoots."

"Like cake farts?" Artie questioned.

"They're really good." Blaine informed us.

"The Hoosierdaddies are still the odds on favourite. Their lead vocalist, Frida Romero, is a tiny juggernaut of talent. We are in a fight for our lives. So, let's get real. There comes a moment in every performer's life that defines him or her, sometimes for the rest of their career. This is our moment. We've struggled, we've endured, and now we must triumph. And speaking of that, I want us all to just take a moment to send some positive energy to one of our own. She has her final call back for Funny Girl today. So, let's all give a big round of applause to Rachel." Mr Schue cheered.

I still had no idea who Rachel was though.

This week was the week. If we were to win regionals then I had booked me and Tina a room at the nicest hotel here. We were going to have a night out, and that was it.. and if Tina wanted to do 'it', then we would do 'it'. Either was it was just a night out for the two of us.

I had gotten permission from Tina's parents. And I didn't necessarily need permission from my father. I mean, I barely dodged the bullet with my parent slip for regionals. So, it all depended on if we would win regionals.


"Uh, are Joe and Sugar here?" Mr Schue wandered out of his office.

"Present, Mr Schue." Sugar raised her voice as her and Joe came into the choir room.

"Come on. Great. Okay." He stopped us all from cheering for them. "Guys, I have finalized our set list. We are going with 'I Love It' by Icona Pop. 'Hall Of Fame' by The Script and will.i.am. And Claudine's original song, 'All Or Nothing'." We all cheered for the, much better and improved, setlist.

But then Brittany just walked in. She wasn't in her Cheerios' outfit and she had a suitcase in hand. "Hey Mr Schue, what about my original song? Do you remember it?" Brittany questioned. "My cup, My cup. Saying what's up to my cup, my cup." She sang. It was really catchy.

" 'My Cup' is one of a kind, but we're going with Claudine's song." Mr Schue informed her.

"Oh, come on. Boo. Two thumbs down." Brittany remarked. Ouch. "The only was to polish that turd of a song is with angelic alto voice."

"Whoa." Jake commented.

Tina grabbed my hand after what Brittany said.

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