▷| 4x17 - Guilty Pleasures

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So here what you missed on Glee. Santana thought Brodie was a drug dealer. But it turns out he's a gigolo and Santana figured it out and told Finn. So Finn went to New York and beat the crap out of Brodie and told him to 'Stay away from my future wife'. And Rachel has no idea any of this is going on. Tina and Claudine have official started dating after forever and Will's still mad at Finn for kissing Emma, so Finn left glee club to go to college to become a teacher. And Blaine's got a crush on Sam, which he's had ever since the Sadie Hawkins dance but Sam just thinks that he and Blaine are besties, which they totally are. And that's what you missed on GLEE!


I walked down the hallway to find my girlfriend. We had been slowly easing it out to everyone in the New Directions that we were dating but it was taking time for them to understand. I saw Tina in the door way of one the art classrooms.

"Hey, just curious. Are you gonna go over to his house and straddle him while he's passed out and rub some ointment on his chest?" Sam joked, as walked up behind Tina.

"Sam." I warned him, making Tina turn her head around to face me. "That was a phase." Tina leaned up to give me a kiss before continuing on with her announcement.

"Anyway, don't bother coming to Glee Club this week. It's cancelled." She continued, kissing my cheek before walking further down the hallway.

"Not necessarily." Blaine prompted, before the bell rang.


"Why are we here?" Kitty questioned, walking into the room. "I thought Mr Schue was sick."

"Yeah, why are we here?" Tina repeated Kitty's question, walking over to stand next to me at the piano.

"I was wondering the same thing." Unique commented.

"Oh come on guys, regionals is only a few weeks away." Blaine groaned. "Even without an advisor, we can't afford to miss a week of preparation."

"Which is why Claude, Blaine and I asked you all to come here." Sam told everyone as he walked up to the white board. "We have come up for an assignment for this week."

"Please be songs about sweaters." Brittany hoped.

"Huh?" I said as Sam finished writing the words 'Guilty Pleasures'. "Guilty Pleasures. Come on. We all have some musical shame. You know what I'm talking about." I tried to lighten the mood. "You know, that secret love we dare not speak but when it comes on the radio, we can't help but to turn up the volume and sing along?"

"Yeah and we're supposed to sing one of those songs for regionals?" Ryder sarcastically asked.

"No." Blaine answered. "Sam and I were speaking earlier just, like, shooting the crap like two bros do, you know-" Blaine awkwardly mentioned. "And we felt really safe with each other so we decided to reveal our guilty pleasures."

"And it felt amazing. I mean, I- letting go of this big secret made me feel so good." Sam added on.

"And we figured if we all share a musical shame with each other, we could all become a more cohesive team for regionals." I told everyone.

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