▷| 4x19 - Sweet Dreams

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So here's what you missed on Glee, a gun went off at school and everyone was terrified. Ans Sue said it was hers and had to leave McKinley. But secretly, she's just protecting Becky. Finn kissed Emma and them apologised to Will. But Will never really forgave him, so, Finn went off to college to fulfil his dream of being a teacher. Rachel's got an audition to play Fanny Brice in a Broadway production of Funny Girl, to fulfil her dream of playing Fanny Brice in Funny Girl. And that's what you missed on GLEE!


Here I was a week later. I had been trying to bring up maybe using my own songs for regionals, but ever since the gun went off, everyone's been acting strange. Everyone suddenly has PTSD.

"They want me to study string theory, but I'm not that interested in arts and crafts." Brittany remarked, talking to Tina.

Brittany's acting weird because MIT found out about her SAT score and they're pressuring her about early commitment.

"Isn't MIT in Europe?" Tina asked. "That would totally suck."

"Hey Tina." I said, entering their conversation.

"Hey Claude." She replied. "Do you like the new look? It's called steam punk, it's the next big thing."

"I love it." I commented.

I heard an Australian accent from behind me. "Oh, hey, there, you must be Claudine."

I turned around to see Sam, but he looked like he was also trying out a new look. "Oh, hi Sam."

"That's not Sam. That's Sam's smarter twin brother, Evan." Brittany informed me.

"Evan Evans." 'Evan' introduced himself. "What a pleasure it is to meet you. Oh, phone's ringing. Oh, it's my brother." He picked up the phone. "Oh, hey Sam. I was just looking for you."

"So have you guys heard who's taking over the Cheerios?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah, it's insane. And it made me realise I have no idea whether I'm on the Cheerios or not. Like, literally can't remember." Tina commented.

"Hey guys." Sam ran up to us. "Have you seen Evan?"

"You just missed him. He went that way." Brittany told Sam.

I think Sam might have a little separation anxiety, so he's pretending he has a twin. And then there's Unique.

"Unique, what are you doing?" I questioned, watching her take some sort of pills. "Are those birth control pills?"

"Shhh, don't blow a girl's cover." Unique warned me. "Kitty hooked me up with a prescription with Leostrin, and I heard that two dolls a day will turn my B's into D's in no time."

"Guys, have you seen my twin?" Sam wandered into the choir room. "Oh, getting a call. Hold on. Oh, hey. Man, I was just looking for you." He ran back into the hallway.

"Unique, you can take birth control." I hissed at her.

"Why not? Trans kids everywhere are doing it. " She stated.

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