▷| 4x16 - Feud

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"Hey!" Tina called out from behind me. I turned around. Tina had been ignoring me ever since Friday, I don't know if I did something wrong or she didn't actually like me in the first place.

"Hi, Te." I greeted her back, closing my locker so I could give her a hug. As she approached me, she didn't embrace it but just kind of awkwardly stood there.

"So you know how Finn and Mr Schue have this weird feud going on and no one knows how to fix it." She started the conversation as we started to walk down the hallway. I slowly nodded, wondering where she was taking this. "No one even knows what we're even doing for glee club this week." She ranted, throwing her hand around in the air.

"Maybe we should take matters into our own hands or like book them a therapy session." I lightly joked, hopping to set something off in Tina's head.

"Wait," Something hit her, "what did you say Claude?" She questioned.

"That we should book them both a therapy session?" I replied.

"No, before that?" She told me.

"That we should take matter into our own hands?" I answered, hoping this was what she wanted.

"Yes, you're so right." Tina exclaimed, turning to hug me but stopped herself in her own tracks. "I should go and tell everyone." Tina mumbled, starting to walk off.

"Wait," I grabbed onto her hand to stop her from travelling further down the hallway. "We should hang out, after school me house on Wednesday." I explained. She simply nodded and walked off.


ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᴵᴺᴳ : The Bitch Is Back/Dress You Up - Unique and Ryder


"Wow, guys, that was incredible." Mr Schue congratulated the two. "What inspired that mashup?" He asked.

"I mean, the thing was feuds so we just... " Ryder was cut off.

"So Unique demanded mediation." Unique interrupted, making us all confused.

"Well the awesome thing about feuds is that once they let all the anger has gotten out, you can shake on it and let bygones be bygones." Blaine told everyone, moving to where Unique and Ryder were set.

"Unique would happily shake Ryder's hand, but first say I'm a girl." She responded, turning to face Ryder who had gotten up from his drum kit.

"Look, I'm just so confused, okay? Yesterday you're dressed as a boy; today you're a girl. Like, what bathroom do you use. I mean, make up your mind." He explained, trying to justify himself.

"I doesn't matter what you see. You don't get to decide for me." Unique stated before walking out of the choir room.

"You are a douchebag, dude." Jake commented. "I mean, in this room we can be whatever we want to be."

what's it gonna be? | Tina Cohen ChangWhere stories live. Discover now