▷| 4x11 - Sadie Hawkins

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So here's what you missed on Glee, The New Directions lost to the Warblers at sectionals when Marley collapsed in the middle of the show. So Sue took other the Choir Room and the Glee Club is homeless. Puck moved back to Lima after striking out in L.A. , and he and Jake used to be half-brothers, but now they're, like bros. Jake and Marley are almost an item, and Claude definitely has a thing Tina but she's too scared to tell her because her dad is like really respected. And Kurt got a surprise audition to NYADA, and he totally got in. And that's what you missed on GLEE!


"This meeting of the McKinley High Student Council is now in session." Blaine started. Me, Blaine, Tina and Sam each sat on a side of the table. "First order of business. Secretary Smythe, will you please read the minutes from last meeting."

"Sam did a Daniel Craig impression for 45 minutes. " I reminded everyone in the room.

"I'll have it shaken and stirred too." Sam pulled an impression as Connery.

"It was fantastic" Blaine assured him. "Thank you Secretary Smythe. Treasure Cohen Chang, if we could go through the budget appropriations last--. Yes Cohen Chang?" Tina raised her hand and stood up.

"It is now officially 142 days until prom, where all the hot girls get immediately snatched up by all the hot guys. The all the sort of hot girls get asked out by the sort of hot guys. And then all the rest of us just sit around and wait for all the nerds and the freaks and the burnouts and the losers to work up some courage and ask us out to the most awkward of heavy petting we're likely to get until we wake up in a nursing home groped by an orderly " Tina ranted. 

" Okay, well, for the record. I think you're totally hot." I confessed. "Like if I was attracted to females. Then I would totally hit that." I tried to cover up what I just said.

"Thank you, Claude. Tina what are you suggesting?" Blaine asked.

"I propose the first annual McKinley High Sadie Hawkins Dance." Tina sat back down. "It's what you call a dance where the girls ask the guys." She explained.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea" Blaine replied. I agreed with Blaine.

"Why not? It was the topic of discussion at the last meeting of the 'Too Young to Be Bitter Club'.  All in favour for a dance where the girls ask the guys?" Tina asked. Tina and every girl in the room raised our hands.

"Wait. Wait- Wait a second." Blaine interrupted.

"It's official." Tina cut him off. "Get ready for the first annual McKinley High Sadie Hawkins."


We all walked into the science classroom.

"I wanna sit under Venus" Sugar announced.

"I wanna sit under Uranus" Sam copied Sugar. Me and Tina laughed at Sam. "What's so funny?" He asked as we all sat down.

"So this week in Glee Club, it's ladies' choice inspired by the Sadie Hawkins dance." Finn told us.

"Which I thought of. It was my idea." Tina interrupted.

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