▷| 4x3 - Makeover

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Here's what you missed on Glee. Kurt's in New York, where he's rooming with Rachel and planning an interview at vouge.com. Rachel's friend, Brody, totally wants to date her but she's still confused about Finn and Finn's still in the Army and nobody's heard from him. Back at Mckinley, Mr. Schue's trying to repeat a win at Nationals by repeating assignments from last year. And Sam's new blonde besties with Brittany, who didn't graduate and thinks she's still president even though all she accomplished last year was a dinosour prom. And that's what you missed on GLEE!


I walked down the halls of my new school. William Mckinley. I had survived 1st and 2nd period and everything was going smoothly. As I turned the corner to my locker, I saw a familiar face.  Blaine was standing there, writing on some form of sign up sheet. I was going to talk to him until I was interrupted.

"What do you think you're doing, Blaine Warbler?" A girl wearing what seemed like a cheer outfit asked. She was blonde and had a slicked back ponytail. Blaine turned to look at the girl but before he could answer he noticed me staring from afar.

"I'm running for president," He answered. The blonde girl seemed intimated while Blaine stood there nodding confidently. The girl walked away looking confused. I was going to join her but was stopped.

"Claude! What are you doing here?" Blaine said, making me turn around.

"This is my new school" I replied, taking in the hallway.

"You should sit with me and the Glee Club at lunch." He told me before his eyes started to widen, "You should join Glee Club. You told me and Kurt that you were into music and we did win Nationals last year"

"I'll think about it" I responded, luckily being saved by the bell for 3rd period.


I followed the instructions that Blaine had given me to the Choir Room, I heard some chatter. The room was nice, small but nice. There was a piano in the center of the room and a small trophy display case off in the corner of the room.

"Is that sour grape?" There were about nine people in the room. Blaine was perched at the back of the room and the blonde girl from earlier was standing in front of everyone. On the piano there was my history teacher, Mr. Schue. I knocked on the door, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

Everyone turned to look at me. Blaine jumped up from his seat and walked over to me.

"Guys this Claude. She just transferred here and I thought she should audition." He introduced me to everyone in the room. By now the blonde girl had sitten down.

"Well, Claude, show us what you got" Mr. Schue suggested, jumping down from the piano. I walked to the middle of the room. Blaine and Mr. Schue sat down in their respective seats, getting ready for me to start.

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Freeze Your Brain - Claudine

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