▷| 4x21 - Wonder-Ful

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"Alright guys, I just got some wonderful news from Rachel." Mr Schue told us.

"Who's Rachel, again?" I whispered into Tina's ear. She just shook it off.

"She's got a second call back for Funny Girl. " He announced. "And that's not the only good news. Brittany is at MIT touring the campus because she's got her early acceptance."

"That can't be true." Kitty commented.

"And I re-proposed to Emma. She re-accepted, and we're getting married after regionals." He continued.

"Yay!" Tina celebrated. We cheered and clapped for him.

Tina raised her hand, "I've got good news too, I'm wait-listed at the Columbus College of Veterinary Medicine. It's a fallback if I don't pursue acting." She revealed.

College had been the hot topic recently. If Tina got into Brown than we would both move to Rhode Island together. I had found a two bedroom apartment on Waterman Street, and I would also try and get a place at brown. If I couldn't than I would teach at the music school near by.

But if Tina didn't get into Brown then I would just probably stay here and go to some community college, I'm sure that Mr Schue could use some help with the glee club.

"Bless her heart." Unique commented.

"Tina, that's not just good news, it's wonderful." Mr Schue referred to the title of this week's lesson, written on the white board. "And that what this week's is all about. We're taking a lesson from one of the greatest musical artists of all time. Despite facing a ton of obstacles he's a living example of embracing- no, celebrating, joy and optimism. And he's collected 25 Grammys along the way. So don't worry about a thing because whether you're ebony or ivory , you are the sunshine of my life."

It was Stevie Wonder Week!!

"And next week at regionals we will be jamming on higher ground." Mr Schue continued with the references.

"Yeah! It's a Stevie Wonder week." Ryder stood up with glee.


"Psst." I heard from behind me in the school library. "Claude, it's Blaine."

I turned round from the shelf I was looking at to see Blaine. "Oh. Hi Blaine." I greeted him.

"So, college." He tried to start a conversation with me.

"Oh yeah, I heard you got into the finalists for NYADA." I responded.

Blaine tried to laugh off his flusterment. "Uh, yeah, I did. If I get in I'm going to move in with Kurt and Rachel. But what I'm here to talk to you about is what you're doing."

"Ohh, me and Tina are headed towards Rhode Island once she gets into Brown." I informed him, turning back to the book shelf.

"Yeah, but what if Tina doesn't get into Brown, the what?" He questioned.

"Then I'm going to a community college here." I answered.

"Listen, what if Tina gets into Brown but you two break up, what are you going to do then." Blaine asked further.

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