Chapter 60: Real parents

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(Georges pov)

Me and Dream were cuddling on the lounge and just being all calm.

After all so much has happened after the past few days, me and Dream got married a few weeks ago which was the best but after that Dream's "parents" went off and yelled at us. After that me and Dream decided that we were gonna find out who his real parents were and it went great.

Dream's real father is actually alive and well and didn't kill himself like Dream's adopted dad said. Dream's mother however is not doing so well, she's sick but no one knows what sickness it is. We finally got the information of why Dream was put up for adoption.

Dream was put up for a adoption because his parents couldn't take care of him and he was always in danger so they put him up for adoption so he would be safe with another family and they hoped the family would take good care of Dream.

Dream's father is full Mexican and Dream's mother is almost full Mexican but has the tint tiny tiny amount of American in her. I must say I had a lot of fun meeting Dream's parents but the sad thing is that they are no longer together but that didn't really matter.

Today Dream's real parents are coming over for dinner and Dream wanted to get some rest so he could look the best for his parents, we are lucky that Dream's parents speak English so I can actually talk with them which is gonna be amazing.

I get off the lounge and start cooking some dinner for tonight. After a while Dream get's up and walks over to me.

"You don't have to get all fancy you can just wear comfortable clothes" I say 

"Okay" Dream says. Dream walks into his room and changes into comfortable clothes.

Dream walks back out and waits at the door. The door bell goes off and Dream opens the door.

"Hola! My dear son" Dream's dad says 

"Hola dad" Dream says. They hug for a bit and he welcomes him inside.

Dream dad sees me and walks over.

"How is my son is law?" Dream's dad asks

"Hello" I say. We hug then I pull away.

"I am doing okay" I say

"Mmm that smells good, what is it?" Dream's dad ask

"You will find out when you eat it" I say 

"Oooo I can't wait" Dream's dad says 

"What's your name btw?" I ask

"Oh my names Henry" Dream's dad says 

"That's a really nice name" I say

"Gracias (Thanks)" Henry says 

"Mother should be here soon" Dream says 

"I haven't seen her in years now" Henry says "I hope she is doing okay"

"I am sure she is doing just fine" I say. The door bell goes off again and Dream's mother walks in.

"Mother!" Dream says "Have they found out what sickness you had?"

"Don't worry it was just a normal cold" Dream's mother says

"What is your name?" I ask

"Oh my name is Zoe dear" Dream's mother says 

"Well why don't Dream show you around the house while I continue to cook" I say 

"That would be lovely" Henry says 

"Well mom, dad, follow me" Dream says. I watch as the family walks away.

After a few minutes dinner was ready and I start to put everything on the table. Dream's parents and himself come back and sit down at the table, I sit down next to Dream.

"This looks amazing! Thank you George" Zoe says

"It's nothing really, I like Dream's cooking better" I say

"Oh please your cooking is better then mine" Dream says. We giggle just a bit.

"So George where are you from?" Zoe asks

"Here in London, I am full British" I say

"Oooo a British guy, Dream you have very interesting taste" Henry says 

"Well, George is the first person I have dated" Dream says 

"No" Zoe says 

"Yeah, my family that adopted me didn't want me to date anyone" Dream says 

"So then Dream tell me, how was your life growing up?" Henry asks. Dream looks at me then looks at the table.

"Yeah it was good" Dream says 

"Honey don't lie to your parents" I say "Here let me explain for you"

Henry and Zoe both look at me.

"The family that adopted Dream weren't great, at the start they were then after they had a kid they pushed Dream away and starting hitting him until he bleeds and all Dream wanted was their love so he tried to be wait they wanted" I say. I let out a sigh.

"They were horrible to Dream" I say

"I am happy when you found me when you did George" Dream says 

"I am glad as well" I say 

"Well we are glad that you found Dream as well, otherwise who knows what would have happened to him" Zoe says "But let's move on from this so Dream won't be upset about us talking about it"

"Thanks mom" Dream says

"How was your life growing up George?" Henry asks

"Mine was good, just a normal childhood really" I say

"Well that's good" Zoe says "Now this food amazing!"

"Thank you" I say

"What happened to you guys?" Dream asks. Henry and Zoe look at each other.

"Well after we gave you up we started having so many arguments and then after that we just decided that it would be better if we went our own ways" Henry says. Dream looks down at the table.

I rub Dream's back and he looks at me with a smile. We all start having a great time, talking, getting to know each other but all things come to a end and Dream's parents leave the house until another time where they might return.

I look at Dream who is looking at me.

"Your happy" I say while closing the front door and locking it.

"¡Acabo de cenar con mis VERDADEROS padres! ¡Claro que seré feliz! (I just had dinner with my REAL parents! Of course I am gonna be happy!)" Dream says. I smile and giggle.

I pick Dream up and start to tickle him. Dream starts to piss himself laughing and I was laughing myself. We lay down on the lounge then roll down on the floor. We start laughing even more then we look at each other.

I smile knowing that Dream is the person I am gonna spend the rest of my life with.

And this is where the story ends I hope you enjoyed this story and the next one will be out soon, anyways have a good day or night :D

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