Chapter 35: The real side to Dream

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(Georges pov)

It was like 6:45 am and I was in bed asleep.

I hear my door open and I move a bit.


I open my eyes to see Dream smiling over me.

"Buen día (Good morning)" Dream says "¿Dormiste bien? (Did you sleep well?)"

"Yeah I slept just fine" I say

"¡Eso es bueno! (That's good!)" Dream says 

"Your in a good mood" I say. Dream smiles more then leaves the room.

I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen to smell something really good.

"What's that smell?" I ask

"¡Desayuno! (Breakfast!)" Dream says 

"Your cooking breakfast?" I ask

"¡Sí! (Yep!)" Dream says 

"Well what are you cooking?" I ask

"gofres (Waffles)" Dream says

"Mhmm yummy, I love waffles" I say 

"¡Eso es bueno! (That's good!)" Dream says

"I didn't know you could cook" I say. I sit down on the kitchen stool.

"¡Por supuesto! (Of course!)" Dream says. Dream continues to cook then after a while he puts the waffle on the plate and puts the plate in front of me.

Dream grabs hid plate and sits down next to me and starts eating, I start to eat as well. After a few seconds of eating Dream starts to talk and talk and talk, I start giggling at what some things he is saying as they were funny.

I haven't seen this side of Dream, he is so bubbly and happy, this must be his real side.

"Así que estaba pensando que tal vez podríamos hacer algunas compras en línea o algo (So I was thinking that maybe we could do some online shopping or something)" Dream says 

"So are you gonna work?" I ask

"¿Tengo que? Quiero ser como alguien que siempre está en casa y feliz de ayudarte si necesitas ayuda, ¿está bien? (Do I have to? I kinda wanna be like someone who is always home and happy to help you if you need help, is that okay?)" Dream says 

"Oh thank god, I couldn't be more happier that you just said that" I say with a smile. Dream smiles.

"I have noticed that my chat really like you so maybe you could play video games with me and do some unboxing stuff as well with me and chat" I say 

"Me encantaría que (I would love that)" Dream says 

"Then let's do a Amazon stream or something" I say

"¡Vamos a hacerlo! (Let's do it!)" Dream says 

"Yay!" I say. We finish eating then get dressed.

Dream wears his favorite clothes which happen to be his original clothes and to be far I like them as well. We walk into my office and I start a stream with face cam. I pull out a seat and put it close to mine.

Dream sits down and I look at the camera.

"Hello dear chat how are we today?" I say. Chat says they are doing fine.

"Okay so for some of you may not who is this person next to me is and some of you may, This is Dream my friend that I met on the meeting frenzy app and he is now my wonderful boyfriend who I love dearly, we have known each other for 2 months now I can't quiet remember that's how long it's been, he is Mexican and can only speak in Spanish" I say

"hola charla (Hello chat)" Dream says 

"So chat today we are doing a Amazon shopping stream because Dream says my house is empty" I say 

"Quiero decir, si quieres ser realista, realmente lo es, ¡pero de todos modos me gusta así! (I mean like if you wanna get real, it really is but I like it that way anyways!)" Dream says. I smile.

We continue to do the stream which was amazing with Dream there. 

So guy I thought I would tell you that from Thursday my updates won't be very good because I am getting a puppy and I have to toilet train it and do all of that stuff so just thought I would give you guy's a heads up about it anyways have a good day or night byeee :D

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