Chapter 30: Mexico here we come

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(Georges pov)

Mine and Dream's bags were packed and we are ready to go. 

We were at the air port and trying to go through security. I was being pat down while Dream was with the guard.

"Where to?" The guard asks

"México" Dream says 

"Passport" The guard asks. Dream pulls out his passport thing and the guy nods and let's Dream through.

I was next and he let me through as well. We sit down and watch as our bags get taken away and onto the plane. Dream looked a little nervous.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Dream looks at me.

"No conoces a mis padres como yo (You don't know my parents like I do)" Dream says 

"Dream what do you mean by that?" I ask

"Me pegarán delante de ti si quieren, no les importa (They will hit me in front of you if they please, they don't care)" Dream says 

"Dream everything is gonna be okay, I will protect you at all costs" I say. I just sounded like a simp then.

"George, no hay necesidad de protegerme, puedo protegerme. (George there is no need to protect me, I can protect myself)" Dream says. I put my hand on Dream's hand and he just looks at me and smiles.

"eres un gran amigo george (Your a great friend George)" Dream says 

"Thanks Dream, your also a great friend" I say. I rub Dream's hand. 

Our plane get's called out and I stand up. Dream looks at me and he stands up. We walk over to the gate and show our tickets. We walk onto the plane and sit down where we are meant too. I was a bit upset that Dream was so far away from me and I was far away from him.

I put my seatbelt on and I look at the other seats to see that Dream has his seatbelt on and seems to be very uncomfortable. It's only just a few hours no need to worry.


The plane lands and I was wide awake.

We get out of the plane and I stand and wait for Dream. Dream walks out and rubs his eyes.

"Tired?" I ask

"Muy (Very)" Dream says. We walk through the security and they let us through.

We grab our bags and walk outside the air port.

"My my my it's really hot out here!" I say

"Bienvenido a mexico (Welcome to Mexico)" Dream says. Dream grabs my hand.

"mi casa no queda lejos por aqui (My house is not far for here)" Dream says

"We are gonna walk?" I ask

"Sí (Yep)" Dream says. We start to walk and walk.

We were walking for a few minutes until we stop. I look forward to see a house standing in front of us. Dream walks up to the door and knocks. The door opens to reveal a short woman with brown hair and bright blue eyes. The woman stares at Dream then looks at me.

"Quien es esta (Who is this)" Dream's mother says 

"Hi I am George, I am Dream's best friend and we have come to pack his things and ship them over to London because he is moving in with me" I say

"Que dijo el (What did he say)" Dream's mother says. Dream tells his mother everything I just said.


"Actually he can because you do treat him right which means I could call somebody and they will take Dream away and he can pick who he wants to live with soooo you really don't have a say in this really" I say. Dream tells his mother what I just said.

"Lo que sea, empaca rápido y luego vete, no te quiero aquí de todos modos (Whatever, just pack quickly then leave, I don't want you here anyways)" Dream's mother says. Dream's mother walks into the house out of sight.

Me and Dream walk into the house and he shows me his room. His room isn't the best at all, he has barely any clothes and his bed sheets look very old and they should have been thrown out years ago, his pillow looks disgusting and he has one power point in this whole room, the room is small and it seems that the only thing that fits is the bed.

"Estarás durmiendo en la cama, yo dormiré en el suelo. (You'll be sleeping on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor.)" Dream says. The bed is only a single bed.

"We could try and share it" I say 

"Cierto, supongo que no hay nada de malo en intentar (True, I guess there is no harm in trying)" Dream says

"Yeah" I say. We put our suit cases down and Dream grabs my arm.

"Vamos que les quiero mostrar mi finca de limones (Come on I want to show you my lemon farm)" Dream says 

"Okay okay let's go" I say. Me and Dream walk outside and he takes me to the backyard.

I look around to see lemon trees as far as my eyes could see. Dream runs over to the trees and I follow close behind. Dream shakes the tree and he picks up a basket fast, he catches the lemons as they fall into the basket that he was holding. 

I walk over to another tree to see that they were ready to pick and they were very fresh.

"You should sell these lemon's, you might get a lot of money for them" I say 

"No, a mis padres les gusta tenerlos, todos de verdad. (No, my parents like to have them, all of them really)" Dream says 

"And ho much do you get?" I ask

"Tal vez 2 o 3 (Maybe 2 or 3)" Dream says

"Well you better say bye bye to the lemon trees" I say 

"yo se y ya tengo (I know and I already have)" Dream says 

"But Dream I must say that this is amazing" I say 

"Gracias (Thank you)" Dream says 

"Now where is this cute little husky, I want to see her" I say

"Ah, sí Patches, sabía que querrías verla. (Ah yes Patches, I knew you would want to see her)" Dream says 

"What can I say, I love puppies and I love fluffy ones as well" I say. Dream smiles.

"Sígueme (Follow me)" Dream says. Me and Dream walk away from the lemon farm and into the house.

"Patches!" Dream yells out. I watch as a little puppy runs up to him.

I sit down on the ground and cuddle up to Patches who is so cute.

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