Chapter 1: Meeting Frenzy

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(Georges pov)

Me, Tommy, Sapnap and Phil have all been playing on this Minecraft world which has many different mods in it and it is the most funniest thing ever.

"Okay guys so I saw on the news this brand new app and I think we should try it" Tommy says

"Oh is that the app called 'Meeting Franzy' or something like that?" Sapnap asks

"Yes it is, wow Sapnap watches the news thats something new" Tommy says

"Oh come on, like no one else watches the news" Sapnap says

"Not many people watch the news because it's so boring" I say

"Okay well I am sorry that I wanna know whats going on with the world" Sapnap says

"That's what Tiktok is for" I say

"Okay stop fighting and lets try this app" Tommy says

"Okay fine I am in" Sapnap says

"I am down" I say "What about you Phil? Are you down for this?"

"No I don't think it's really something for me" Phil says

"Okay well your loss" I say. I pull out my phone and look at chat who is very excited.

I download the app and wait for it to download onto my phone. It downloads and I open the app.

"Right lets see what we have to do here" I say. I fill out my profile for the app.

Name: Georgenotfound
Nickname: George or Gogy
Age: 18
County: Britain
Language: English
Other: Hello, I am Georgenotfound the youtuber/streamer, I am looking for a new friend who wants to hang and talk with me.

"Okay I did my profile" I say

"Okay you can start without us" Tommy says "It takes a while for the app to match you with someone"

"Okay" I say. I click match and sit back and wait, I start humming and spinning around in my chair.

I watch as different profiles show up but none of them really scream friendship or me. I stop spinning when I see a profile pop up on my page. I read the profile.

Name: Dream
Nickname: Dream
Age: 17
County: Mexico
Language: Spanish

He doesn't seem to have any other information about him and it seems that the profile has been translated into English.

"I picked someone" Tommy says

"Who did you pick?" Phil asks

"Person named Ranboo" Tommy says

"I got a person named Karl" Sapnap says "Who did you get George?"

"I haven't picked yet but I think I have just picked my guy" I say

"Whats his name?" Phil asks

"His name is Dream" I say

"That is a odd name, I have never heard that name before" Sapnap says

"Well he is from Mexico" I say "And it seems he only speaks Spanish"

"Well that might be a good experience for you" Phil says "You should talk with him"

"Okay" I say. I click the green button which takes me to a chat room.


I sit for a few minutes and wait for him to text back, it seems that the font is very different then other apps which is odd but I didn't mind. I jump at the sound of a notification which makes me look down at my phone.


"Well I guess we are talking now" I say

"What did he say?" Phil asks

"He said hello" I say "Looks like I am gonna have to use google translate to understand what he is saying"

"Oh well good luck with that" Sapnap says. I roll my eyes and look down at my phone.

Hello, my name is George, what's yours?

Hola George, soy Dream, es un placer conocerte. (Hello George, I am Dream its very nice to meet you)

"Not bad" I say "I think me and him are gonna be the best of friends"

New book yay so this book is gonna have google translate, in this book George is 18 and Dream is 17.

This writing is the text message thing for George
This writing text message thing is for Dream.

Anyways I hope to see you guys soon in the next chapter :))

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