Chapter 36: Cuddles

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(Georges pov)

It has been a few weeks give or take and I must say I have enjoyed having Dream around me so much that if he leaves the room I must go with him otherwise I will lose my fucking mind!

We were cuddling on the lounge which is the best thing ever, I love Dream's soft skin. Dream looks at me and I look at him.

"Is something the matter?" I ask

"¿Puedes enseñarme a decir algunas palabras en inglés? (Can you teach me how to say some English words?)" Dream asks

"Yes of course I can" I say "Okay let's try something simple like your name"

"Bueno (Okay)" Dream says

"Try Dr ea m" I say 

"Dr ea m" Dream says 

"Dream" I say 

"Drwam" Dream says. Dream looks down at the ground.

"No no no it's okay don't feel bad, it is your first time trying English words so don't worry" I say "So let's try again"

Dream nods.

"Dr ea m" I say 

"Dr ea m" Dream says 

"Dream" I say 

"Dream" Dream says. Dreams eyes light up.

"Yay you got it!" I say. Dream giggles then smiles brightly.

"Do you wanna try your other name?" I ask. Dream looks at me.

"Sí (Yes)" Dream says 

"Cl ay" I say 

"Cl ay" Dream says 

"Clay" I say 

"Clay" Dream says 

"Good job" I say "Soon you will be able to say some English words and use them" 

"¡Hurra! (Yay!)" Dream says. I giggle lightly.

"So Dream what do you wanna do today?" I ask

"Bueno, ¿cómo está el clima hoy? (Well what is the weather like today?)" Dream says. I pull out my phone and look at the weather.

"Raining and thunder storming" I say "Looks like it's a inside day"

"No me gustan los días interiores, estoy perdiendo mi bonito bronceado (I don't like inside days, I am losing my really nice tan)" Dream says 

"Noooo not the tannnn I love the tan" I say. Dream smiles then giggles.

"Bueno, ya que es un día interior, supongo que podríamos simplemente relajarnos. (Well, since it's an indoor day, I guess we could just relax.)" Dream says

"Ugh" I say 

"¿Qué, no estás feliz de pasar el día adentro conmigo? (What, are you not happy about spending the day inside with me?)" Dream says 

"No it's not that it's just" I stop "I just remembered that my parents are coming over tomorrow for dinner"

Dream just looks at me.

"I am sorry for not telling you earlier I just wanted to push it aside" I say 

"Eso no importa de todos modos, tus padres necesitan saber que soy tu maravilloso compañero y necesitan gustarles o no porque no me importa lo que piensen en absoluto. (That doesn't matter anyways, your parents need to know that I am your wonderful partner and they need to like it or not because I don't care what they think at all)" Dream says 

"That's so sweet" I say. Dream lays down on stop of me.

"Te amo (I love you)" Dream says 

"I love you more" I say. Lighting hits and the thunder roars loudly.

Dream jumps and holds onto me.

"Your okay your okay I am right here no need to worry" I say. I hold Dream.

I hum Dream a song which calms him down just a bit.

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