Chapter 39: Speaking half English

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(Georges pov)

I was doing a stream like I normally do, and I say it was going really well.

It was all of us on a call with face cam which is cool I guess. It has been 5 months now since me and Dream have started dating and everyone says we are one of the best couple they have seen in a while.

I hear my office door open which makes me look at the door. Dream walks in and sits in the chair next to me.

"Hello" I say

"Hello" Dream says "Hello chat"

Oh yeah I forgot to say, Dream can speak half English now.

"Do you need something?" I ask

"I just some cuddles that's it" Dream says 

"Yep what's wrong?" I ask

"¿Recuerdas cuando dije que era adoptado? (Remember when I said I was adopted?)" Dream says 

"Yeah I remember" I say

"Well I found out what happened to my real parents" Dream says 

"Really what happened?" I ask

"Your gonna have to end steam for me to tell you" Dream says 

"Okay, Sorry guy's I am gonna go this is important" I say. I leave the call and end the stream.

I turn and look at Dream.

"Entonces, cuando tenía 4 meses, mi madre murió y mi padre no podía cuidarme solo, eso lo llevó a suicidarse porque me parecía mucho a mi madre, luego me dieron en adopción. (So when I was 4 months old my mother died and my father couldn't take care of me by himself, it drove him to kill himself because I looked so much like mother, then I was put up for adoption)" Dream says 

"Wow that seems like a lot to take in" I say 

"It was" Dream says. I pull Dream in for a hug.

"Well I am here for you" I say "And I always will be"

"Gracias (Thank you)" Dream says 

"I love you" I say 

"Te quiero más (I love you more)" Dream says

"You know what Dream" I say 

"What?" I ask

"Your English is coming along great but I liked it when you spoke Spanish much more" I say 

"So you want me to continue to speak Spanish?" Dream asks

"Yes I do" I say 

"Está bien, aprenderé más inglés por si acaso. (Okay well I will learn more English just in case)" Dream says 

"Okay well you do that then" I say. I move Dream's head to look at mine.

Dream smiles and kisses me on the nose, that was the first ever kiss I had gotten from Dream ever. Dream stands up then walks out of the room. On the nose? Such a odd place, I love it. I giggle a little then shake my head.

I stand up and walk out of my office. I walk into the kitchen to see Dream was cooking something.

"What you cooking hm?" I ask

"Viene tu 'amigo' Liam, ¿recuerdas? Estoy cocinando un almuerzo para ti y para él. (Your 'friend' Liam is coming over remember? I am cooking some lunch for you and him)" Dream says 

"Dream please I understand your worry about him but I can tell you that everything is fine" I say. Dream looks at me with sad eyes.

"¡La última vez que dijiste eso, estabas encima de él! (Last time you said that, you were all over him!)" Dream says 

"I wasn't, he was all over me! I tried to get him off me but he wouldn't move" I say "Look I am sorry honey, it won't happen again and if he lays one finger on me I will tell him to leave" 

I walk over to Dream and hug him tightly, he hugs me back.

"¿Promesa? (Promise?)" Dream says 

"I promise on my life, you are the one for me and I will stay with you" I say

"Okay" Dream says "Uh I mean bueno (Okay)" 

I smile which makes Dream smile. I kiss Dream on the lips an he kisses back. 

We start to make out because why not.

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