Chapter 42: Got into University/College

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(Dreams pov)

3 days after George had left and I must say I have been lonely.

I have Patches who is keeping me happy and sane but I haven't gotten a message or call from George, I have sent him some messages and I haven't gotten any back and I am starting to worry.

I was sitting on the lounge watching one of my new favorite tv shows now that I understand English which is pretty cool. I hear something from outside which makes me stand up and walk over to the door. 

I watch as someone puts something in the mail box then walks away. I open the door and walk outside to the mail box. I take the mail then walk back inside and shut/lock the door. I walk over to the lounge and sit down, the letter is for me.

I open the letter to see that I was accepted for university! I smile and put the letter down on the coffee table. I look at the next letter to see it was to me and it was in Spanish, oh no it must be my parents.

I open the letter to see it was my fathers handwriting, I don't know how they got my address but I guess they just sent it to London with my full name on it and the London people sent it to the person which is me. I read the letter.

querido Dream (Dear Dream)

Te hemos echado de menos en casa, bueno, yo sí, tu madre no, pero estoy bastante seguro de que puedes adivinarlo. Lamento profundamente la forma en que te tratamos y desearía haberte tratado mejor, quería decirte algo cuando tenías 20 años y estabas listo para mudarte, pero te lo diré ahora. Sueña que eres adoptado, probablemente ya lo sabías, pero pensé en contarte toda la historia. Mira, cuando te pusieron en adopción, tu madre y yo no pudimos quedar embarazadas, así que buscamos lo siguiente que podíamos hacer, que era adoptar, y en ese momento tu madre y yo te amamos tan profundamente, pero después de un tiempo tu madre se quedó embarazada y se alejó de ti, después de un tiempo te odiaba porque eras un recordatorio de cómo no podía quedar embarazada y después de un tiempo solo eras algo que estaba allí y que no nos importaba en absoluto, yo Lo siento profundamente, hijo mío, pero pase lo que pase, espero que sepas que todavía te veo como mi hijo y espero que puedas perdonarme. Siempre te querré hijo mío, espero verte en el futuro tal vez o tal vez no pero eso no importa, pensé en aclararte las cosas. Espero que te diviertas y vivas la vida que deberías haber tenido. (We have missed you back at home well I have, your mother hasn't but I am pretty sure you can guess that. I am deeply sorry for the way we treated you and I wished that we did treat you better, I did want to tell you something when you were 20 and ready to move out but I will tell you now. Dream you are adopted, you probably already knew that but I thought I would tell you the whole story. See when you were put up for adoption, me and your mother couldn't get pregnant so we went for the next thing we could do which was adopting and at the time your mother and I loved you so deeply but after a while your mother got pregnant and she grew away from you, after a while she hated you because you were a reminder of how she couldn't get pregnant then after a while you were just something that was there and that we didn't care about at all, I deeply sorry my son but no matter what I hope you do know that I still see you as my son and I hope you can forgive me. I will always love you my son, I hope to see you in the future maybe or maybe not but that doesn't matter, I thought I would clear things up for you. I hope your having fun and your living the life you should have gotten.)

amor de papa (Love from dad)

I put the letter down and feel a tear roll down my cheek. I pick both letters up and walk to the my room. I sit down at my desk and grab a plain paper. I start to write on the paper.

Querido papá (Dear dad)

Se siente extraño llamarte papá e incluso hablar contigo o algo así, quería agradecerte por comunicarte conmigo, me lo he pasado muy bien aquí y ¿adivina qué? ¡George y yo estamos saliendo ahora! Estoy muy feliz, de todos modos había entrado en la universidad. Gracias por aclararme todo a mí también, realmente te lo agradezco. A mí mismo me ha ido bastante bien aquí. Espero que mi hermana no te esté dando muchos problemas, bueno, no sé si debería llamarla así, de todos modos, espero que estés bien. (It feels odd calling you dad and even talking to you or anything, I wanted to thank you for actually reaching out to me, I have been having a great time over here and guess what? Me and George are dating now! I am really happy, anyways I had gotten into university. Thank you for clearing everything up for me as well I really thank you for that. I myself have been doing quite well over here. I hope that my sister isn't giving you to much trouble well I don't know if I should call her that anymore, anyways I do hope you are doing well.) 

del Dream (From Dream)

I put the letter into an envelope then put a stamp sticker on it. I stand up and walk outside. I walk back inside and pick up the keys. I walk outside and shut/lock the door behind me. I walk to the post office and up to the desk.

The person looks at me. I give the letter to the person and they look down at it.

"It will be shipped soon, now you will need to pay"

"How much?" I ask. The person tells me the price and I give him the money.

I walk home and walk inside. I shut/lock the door behind me. I put the keys on the counter then walk to my room, I sit down at my desk. I look at my university letter and smile. 

Looks like I am gonna have to get shopping, thank god that the university is not far, I can walk to it in a few minutes. 

Different Languages DNFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя