Chapter 54: Best future for him

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(Georges pov)

I only want the best for Dream because that's what he deserves after his horrible past and what I believe is the best for him? Well to marry me of course, I could take care of him the best and I am!

I do love having Dream around and I can tell he loves having me around as well which makes me very happy! I was sitting on my office chair editing some videos I recorded earlier today, I must say I have been pushing my work away to hang with Dream.

I haven't let Dream get a job that's why I spend time with him so he has something to do and hopefully he doesn't get a job. At the moment I have got a huge headache and it's killing me, I think it's because I am working far to much and hard. If I am being honest, one loud noise would make me snap.

I pull out my phone and go to message Dream.

-hey Dream so I thought I would let you know that I have a VERY bad headache and I feel that if someone makes any loud noise I would snap so make sure to keep quiet, I don't wish to yell at you or anything.

-Okay, Gracias por el aviso (Okay, thank you for the heads up)

-Just make sure to keep it down.

-No te preocupes, lo haré además de que no estoy haciendo mucho, solo viendo un programa de televisión... Puedo traerte algunas cosas para tu dolor de cabeza, ¿te gusta? (Don't worry I will plus I am not doing much just watching a tv show...I can bring you some stuff for your headache is you like?)

-No no I should be fine just make sure you keep it down that's all

-Hm, te traeré algunas cosas para el dolor de cabeza, así que estaré allí pronto. No te preocupes, me aseguraré de estar tranquilo. (Hm I will get you some headache stuff so I will be there soon. Don't worry I will make sure I am quiet.)

-oh okay fine

I put my phone down on the table. I continue to edit my video when I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Open" I say. The door opens and then shuts very quietly.

I look over to see Dream slowly walking towards me. Dream hands me 2 tables and some water. I put the tablets in my mouth then use the water to swallow it down.

I put the glass on the table then look at Dream who is looking down at me.

"Thank you" I say

"de nada (you are welcome)" Dream whispers

"Mhm you really are taking this seriously" I say

"Me tomo todo en serio cuando se trata de ti. (I take everything seriously when it comes to you)" Dream whispers

"That's very sweet" I say "And thank you again"

"No hay problema, pero tal vez deberías tomarte un descanso del trabajo y pasar un rato conmigo, tu dolor de cabeza puede desaparecer o ser más ligero. (It's no problem but maybe you should take a break from doing work and hang with me for a bit, your headache may go away or be lighter)" Dream whispers

"No! I have to get this work done! Now leave me alone and fuck off!" I yell. Dream looks upset then looks away.

"Mis disculpas yo- yo- te dejaré en paz (My apologies I- I- I'll leave you alone)" Dream says. I blink and realize what I have done.

Dream leaves the room and I look down at my desk. My god what have I done, I was just talking about what is best for Dream and I go and do that! I am such a fucking dumb ass!

Dream is right, I nees to stop working for now and spend some time with him. I stand up and leave the office and I walk over to Dream who is curled up in a ball under the coffee table.

I walk over to the coffee table which is in front of the lounge. I sit down on the lounge and Dream hears me.

"Pensé que ibas a seguir haciendo tu trabajo... (I thought you were gonna continue to do your work...)" Dream mumbles.

"I was but then I decided that it would be better for my health if I stopped working for just a while then I will get straight back to work" I say

"Ya sabes, no tienes que volver directamente al trabajo, podrías pasar el día conmigo. (You know, you don't have to go straight back to work, you could hang with me for the day)" Dream mumbles

"Dream I will need to go back to work" I say "I have to keep my channel updated and I nees to stream more"

Dream curls up into a tighter ball.

"Bueno, entonces tal vez debería conseguir un trabajo para tener algo que hacer. (Well then maybe I should get a job so I have something to do)" Dream says. My worst nightmare has come to life.

"NO I DO NOT WANT YOU TO GET A JOB" I yell. Dream holds himself tighter and he starts to dig his nails into his skin.

I look at Dream and take a deep breath.

"I am sorry Dream I didn't mean to yell at you...again" I say "Look Dream I don't want you to get a job because I like having you here all the time"

"Entonces, qué voy a hacer cuando no pases tiempo conmigo (Then what am I gonna do when you won't spend time with me)" Dream says

"How about I set up my second Xbox 1 and my Ps5 and 4 out here for when you wanna play games" I say "And you can buy video games as well"

I get off the lounge and crawl over to the coffee table. I roll Dream out from under it and he looks at me.

"Supongo que podríamos intentarlo. (I guess we could try it)" Dream says

"That's the way" I say. I pull Dream out of the ball and I look at where he dug his nails into.

It was red, swollen and bleeding very badly. I take Dream's hand softly and I look at his nails, his nails are very pretty and VERY sharp.

"You need to cut your nails" I say

"Tengo, estas son mis uñas después de una semana o 2 de crecer (I have, this is my nails after a week or 2 of growing)" Dream says

"Wow that's amazing but for now let's get you cleaned and bandaged up" I say

"Okay" Dream says. Me and Dream stand up and I sit Dream down on the lounge.

I run to the bathroom and grap the first-aid kit and I start to clean and bandage Dream's cuts up.

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