Chapter 32: Spilling the beans

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(Georges pov)

We were back at my place and we have been for like 2 days now and the guest bedroom looks so much different.

But today is the day I tell Dream how I feel about him, we have known each other for maybe a month now and I must say, love at first sight is really true. I was walking back and forward in Dream's room, he went to the kitchen to grab something to eat which I am fine with.

Dream walks into the room and sits down on the bed.

"Entonces, ¿qué es lo que te gustaría decirme? (So what is it you would like to tell me?)" Dream says 

"Dream for the past few weeks now you may have noticed that I will do anything for you" I say

"Sí, lo he notado y te lo agradezco. (Yes I have noticed that and I thank you for it)" Dream says 

"But there is a reason behind that" I say 

"¿Y qué es eso? (And what is that?)" Dream says

"Dream I-" I stop. Dream looks at me with a spackle in his eyes, his big green and yellow beautiful eyes that stare at me.

"Fuck" I say

"Oh George, ¿he hecho algo mal? (Oh George have I done something wrong?)" Dream says 

"No no Dream you haven't It's just hard for me to say this like really hard" I say

"Bueno George, no tienes que decirme (Well George, you don't have to tell me)" Dream says 

"No no Dream I have to tell you this now" I say. I take a deep breath and close my eyes

Dream starts to say something.

"I LOVE YOU DREAM" I yell. I open my eyes to see Dream staring at me.

"George" Dream says. Dream stands up and walks over to me and holds my hands with a smile on my face.

"Oh, George, siento lo mismo, me alegro de que hayas dicho algo que, de lo contrario, nunca lo haría. Tengo miedo al rechazo como un miedo profundo, así que gracias por decir esto. (Oh George, I feel the same way, I am glad you said something otherwise I never would. I am scared of rejection like deeply scared so thank you for saying this)" Dream says 

"Wait you feel the same way?" I ask

"Mhm por eso me gusta tanto abrazarte, me haces sentir cálido por dentro y me encanta ese sentimiento (Mhm that's why I like cuddling you so much, you make me feel warm inside and I love that feeling)" Dream says "De hecho has sido la única persona que me ha hecho sentir así. (In fact you have been the only person who has made me feel this way)" 

I smile which makes Dream smile.

"You have such a cute way of showing love" I say

"Oh gracias (Aw thank you)" Dream says

"Well I guess that means that your mine then huh?" I say

"Mhm! ¡Sí! (Mhm! Yep!)" Dream says. Why the fuck is he so cute like I wanna kill myself that he is so cute.

"Well I am gonna cook some lunch, you can just chill and do whatever, I haven't really let you outside so tomorrow if it's not thunder storming we will go outside" I say 

"¿Tormenta de truenos? (Thunder storm?)" Dream asks

"Don't worry I am here for you" I say. Dream half smiles then looks down.

"¿Puedo tener algo de tiempo a solas por un segundo, por favor? Necesito un minuto para comprender qué diablos acaba de pasar. (Can I have some alone time for a second please? I need a minute to comprehend what the fuck just happened)" Dream asks

"Yes of course, I will call you out when lunch is ready okay?" I say

"Sí (Yes)" Dream says. I leave the room.

I look into the room to see Dream break down in tears. I run back into the room and hug Dream.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" I ask

"Todo esto es tan abrumador, la persona que me gustaba en realidad me invitó a salir y ahora estoy tan feliz pero estoy tan abrumada, ¿cómo van a reaccionar mis padres? ¿¡Cómo van a reaccionar tus amigos!? ¿¡Qué pasa si nos separamos me vas a echar!? (This is all so overwhelming, the person that I liked actually asked me out and now I am so happy but I am so overwhelmed, how are my parents gonna react!? How are your friends gonna react!? What happens if we break up are you gonna throw me out!?)" Dream says with so much panic.

"Dream Dream Dream, calm down calm down" I say

"¡N-no puedo! no puedo no puedo no puedo- (I-I can't! I can't I can't I can't-)" Dream stops. Dream falls to the ground and I catch him.

His eye shut.

"Shit" I say. Dream had passed out. 

I remember him telling me that when he gets upset or panics to much he passes out quite quickly and he can be out for hours on end. I pick Dream up and put him in his bed, I pull the covers over him and make sure he is comfortable.

I leave the room making sure the door is opened because Dream hates his door being closed. I walk into the kitchen.

I start to cook lunch.

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