Chapter 15: Early morning

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(Georges pov)

I wake up to a loud bang coming from the kitchen which makes me jump.

I sit up and get out of bed. I grab a bat and walk out of my room. I walk to the kitchen to see a tall figure walking around. I hit the person over the head with the bat and they scream.

"¡Ay! (Ow!)" Dream yells. I step back and turn on the light.

Dream has his hand on he counter and his other hand on his head.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't know it was you" I say

"Está bien, está bien, solo fue un pequeño golpe en la cabeza. Estaré bien. (It's okay, it's okay, it was just a little hit over the head I will be fine)" Dream says 

"No no it's not fine, come and let me look at your head just in case your bleeding" I say. I drop the bat on the ground and run over to Dream.

Dream looks down at me. I move Dream's hand away and look at where I hit him on the head. He wasn't bleeding which is a good thing but it will differently leave a bruise and a bad one as well. 

"No blood, thank god" I say. I move away from Dream whos rubs his head. 

"Dream I have a question" I say 

"¿Cuál es tu pregunta? (What's your question?)" Dream asks

"You seem to act different at different times" I say

"Eso es porque esa es mi capa exterior. (That's because that's my outer shell)" Dream says 

"Wait so your telling me that I haven't seen the real you yet?" I ask. Dream smiles.

Dream walks into the guest room and shuts the door. I look at the clock to see it was only 6:06 am.

"It's too early for this shit right now" I say "And holy shit I haven't even seen the real Dream just yet that shit is crazy"

I hear a door open which makes me look over at the guest room. Dream was wearing the same outfit as yesterday.

"Why are you dressed? It's like 6:08 in the morning" I say

"Preparándonos para el nuevo día (Getting ready for the new day)" Dream says 

"Wait do you wake up at 6 every morning?" I ask

"No, no todas las mañanas, esta sería la hora en que me despierto antes de cenar en casa. (No not every morning, this would be the time I wake up before dinner at home)" Dream says 

"You have a nap before dinner?" I ask

"¡Sí! ¿no? (Yeah! don't you?)" Dream says 

"No" I say

"Oh, supongo que solo soy yo entonces (Oh, I guess that's just me then)" Dream says 

"Do you have any other friends?" I ask. Dream looks at me then looks at the ground.

"No, nunca tuve un verdadero amigo (No, I never had a real friend)" Dream says 

"Real friend?" I ask

"He tenido "Amigos", pero simplemente me usaron, he conocido a otras personas en la aplicación antes que tú, pero después de hablar con ellos un poco, simplemente me dejaron sin decir nada, estoy bastante seguro de que me odiaban. (I have had "Friends" But they just like used me, I have met other people on the app before you but after I talk with them for a bit they just kinda left me without saying anything, I am pretty sure they hated me)" Dream says 

"Oh Dream that's horrible, is that why you have a hard time showing the real you?" I ask

"Sí (Yes)" Dream says 

"Well I can promise you something" I say

"¿Y qué es eso? (And what's that?)" Dream says 

"I won't leave you, you are one of the best friends I have had and you know what, you might even be the best" I say. Dream puts his hands on his chest.

"Eso es tan dulce de tu parte gracias (That's so sweet of you thank you)" Dream says. I walk over to Dream.

I hug him and he hugs me back. Dream seems to have very soft skin which is really nice.

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