Chapter 53: No more hiding (And a question for you guys)

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Before we begin this chapter I thought I would ask you guys something. I have storys to do with the Dream smp and is set in the Dream smp so I thought I would ask if you want me to do those ones first before going onto any others or do you not want me to do them at all, as we know the Dream smp is no more so I thought I would ask you guys what you wanted to do anyways onto the story.

(Georges pov)

"Okay Dream look" I say "I understand most things about you but I need to know one of them"

Dream blinks.

"soy gay (I am gay)" Dream says

"No not that, I want to know your past and what happened, I need to understand you more" I say

"Supongo que ya no hay más escondite eh (I guess there is no more hiding huh)" Dream says

"Hiding?" I ask

"Se sabe que escondo muchas cosas, como esconderme detrás de una máscara, pero en realidad no lo hago, solo escondo mi pasado porque no me gusta hablar de eso en absoluto... Me molesta. (I have been known to hide many things away like hiding behind a mask but I don't really, I just hide my past because I don't really like to talk about it at all...It makes me upset)" Dream says

"Well if it makes you upset then we don't have to talk about it" I say

"No, probablemente debería decirte todo lo que recuerdo, después de todo, eres mi pareja. (No, probablemente debería decirte todo lo que recuerdo, después de todo, eres mi pareja.)" Dream says

"Okay well you can stop any time you need to okay? I don't wanna push you into it" I say

"gracias George eres el mejor (Thanks George, you are the best)" Dream says

"Aw thanks Dreamie" I say. Dream takes a deep breath then looks at the ground.

"Siempre decían que mi memoria era increíble y que podía recordar cosas que sucedieron hace mucho tiempo. Cuando tenía 3 años, recuerdo una pequeña habitación que tenía 5 camas y una era mía, el centro de adopción, realmente no es un lugar agradable. Recuerdo estar allí, estaba asustada y no podía creer que me estaba despertando todavía en ese lugar hasta que una familia me llevó ese día, eran tan dulces y amables que me enamoré de ese pequeño acto... Dolor horrible (They always said my memory was amazing and that I could remember things that happened so long ago. When I was 3 I remember a small little room that had 5 beds in it and one was mine, the adoption centre, Really not a nice place. I remember being there, I was scared and I couldnt believe that I was waking up still in that place that was until a family took me that day, they were so sweet and kind that I fell for there little act...Horrible pain)" Dream says

"Your mother and father" I say

"No, eran una familia diferente, me lastimaron. Me golpearon y me obligaron a hacer todo en la casa, su amabilidad fue solo un acto. Después de unos meses me volvieron a poner en el centro de adopción porque comencé a luchar contra ellos. 2 semanas después llegaron mi madre y mi padre, al principio no me querían, vieron a un niño diferente y querían a ese. Estaba jugando en la tierra y el barro afuera mientras ellos estaban adentro y debo decir que los niños en el centro de adopción siempre fueron malos conmigo. (No, they were a different family, they hurt me. They hit me and made me do everything around the house, their kindness was just an act. After a few months they put me back into the adoption centre because I started to fight back againset them. 2 weeks later my mother and father came along, they didn't want me at first they saw a different kid and wanted that one. I was playing in the dirt and mud outside while they were inside and I must say the kids in the adoption centre were always mean to me)" Dream says

"Kids are normally mean to other kids" I say

"Estos niños eran diferentes... De todos modos, me empujaron al barro y empezaron a tirarme piedras. Mi madre y mi padre vieron esto y corrieron afuera y me recogieron, sentí calor a su alrededor y me hicieron sonreír cuando me salvaron de los niños malos. Me aferré a ellos con mucha fuerza y ​​no quería soltarlos, así que me tomaron a mí, les abrí mi corazón, los dejé entrar y eso fue un error horrible. Mi hermana vino 2 años después y me empujaron, me tiraron, ¡ya no me querían! Todo lo que quería hacer era llorar, dejé caer mi muro de nuevo y miré a dónde me llevó... Supongo que después de eso solo quería que me amaran de nuevo, así que hice lo que me dijeron que hiciera y cuando no lo hice. hacerlas me golpearon hasta sangrar o gritar. No fue agradable y supongo que tampoco es una buena imagen. (These kids were different...Anyways they pushed me into the mud and started throwing rocks at me. My mother and father saw this and ran outside and picked me up, I felt warmth around them and they made me smile when they saved me from the mean kids. I held onto them very tightly and I didn't want to let go so they took me instead, I opened my heart to them, I let them in and that was a horrible mistake. My sister came along 2 years later and I was pushed away, I was thrown away they didn't care for me anymore! All I wanted to do was cry, I let my wall down again and look where it got me...I guess after that I just wanted them to love me again so I did what they told me to do and when I didn't do them I got beat until I bleeded or screamed. It wasn't nice and I guess it's also not I nice picture)" Dream says

"No, no it's really not" I say. Dream looks at me and I see that he crying so much.

I pull Dream into a hug and he starts crying more.

"Sh sh sh it's okay it's okay" I say

"Lo siento... es tan difícil para mí hablar de esto. (I am sorry...this is just so hard for me to talk about)" Dream says

"No need to be sorry" I say "Just breath before you pass out-"

And just like that Dream passes out from crying to much. I let out a long sigh and pull Dream onto me more. Dream has had a horrible past.

But I am gonna make his future the best.

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