Chapter 24: Cuddles

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(Georges pov)

The power was still off and there is nothing I can do, I wasn't really that hungry and it seems Dream wasn't as well.

The candles look like they are about to go out as well which is one of the bad parts. Dream stands up and I look at him. Dream walks into the kitchen and grabs a lemon then walks back to me.

We were sitting down on the lounge with blankets over us which is making us nice and warm. Dream sits down and pulls the blanket back over himself.

"Why did you grab a lemon?" I ask

"porque me encanta comer limones (Because I love eating lemons)" Dream says 

"Oh okay that makes more sense" I say. I hear a beeping noise which makes me look down at my pocket.

I pull the translator out of my pocket and look at it, low battery, anddd it goes flat.

"Bad news, my translator is flat" I say. I look up at Dream who's translator is also flat.

"Oh this is just great now we have no idea what each other are saying" I say

"No es tu culpa" Dream says. I blink a few times and Dream turns his head then realizes that my translator is also flat.

"This is not good" I say. I put my translator on the coffee table and so does Dream.

I lay more on the lounge and Dream moves a bit.

"No bajes demasiado, de lo contrario, me empujarán fuera del salón." Dream says 

"Dream I can't understand you" I say 

"¿eh? ¿Qué dijiste?" Dream says 

"We can't message each other because you haven't set up your data yet" I say "Please power, please come back on soon"

I look at Dream who eats the lemon.

"Okay George calm down everything is fine" I say. Dream seems to be enjoying his lemon which makes me happy knowing he's happy.

Once Dream had finished his lemon, he crawls over to my side and lays down on my right side, he lays down on my arm and his head is on the side of my chest.

"D-Dream what the fuck are you doing!" I say

"Espero que no te importe pero me gusta abrazar a mis amigos" Dream says 

"I have no idea what you just said but can you please get off me!" I say. Dream yawns then falls asleep.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, he's skin is so soft!" I say "And he's really warm, oh fuck"

I look down at Dream who is fast asleep. Fuck I don't wanna wake him because I think he has a hard time falling asleep. I let out a sigh.

"Looks like I am stuck here" I say. The power flicks back on as well.

"Oh wow of course the power flicks on now" I say. Dream groans as the light hits his eyes.

I pull out my phone and through my phone I turn the lights down but I still keep them on just in case. I look at the candles which are all done and are now out. I moves Dream closer to me and I start to play with his hair which is nice and soft.

I play with his hair for a few minutes.

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