Chapter 12: Getting the house ready

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(Georges pov)

The day was creeping closer and closer and I was getting more and more nervous.

I was just about to clean the house then I realized it would be better if I did it the day before but then my mind sets that I am gonna do the cleaning today. I start to clean around the house getting it nice and really.

This is one of the first times that I have cleaned in a while. I walk into the spare bedroom. Dream is gonna sleep in this room so I want it to be as comfortable for him as it can be. I unlock my phone and open the app.

-Hey Dream I wanted to ask what would make you feel comfortable in your room so I can set up a room for you 

-Realmente no me importa lo que hagas, después de todo, es tu casa, no la mía. (I don't really mind what you do after all it's your house not mine)

-Okay well whatever makes you happy

I put my phone down on the bedside table and start to clean the room. I really like this bed but I don't want to change it with mine because I really like my bed as well. I clean the room then walk outside it then shut the door.

I walk to the kitchen and cook myself some lunch. My phone goes off with a ringtone that I haven't heard before. I look at my phone to see it was a call through the app and it was Dream. I answer the phone and put it down on the counter.

"Hey Dream what's up-"

"George te necesito ahora mismo (George I need you right now)" Dream says 

"Why what's wrong?" I ask

"¿Cómo evitas que te sangre el brazo? (How do you stop your arm from bleeding?)" Dream asks

"Why do you ask?" I ask. Dream falls silent.

"Okay Dream this is not funny at all" I say 

"Tuve una caída afuera y me corté en mi limonero, eso es todo, no debes preocuparte. (I had a fall outside and I cut myself on my lemon tree, that's all you don't need to worry)" Dream says 

"Okay well what do you have?" I ask 

"Una ropa (A cloth)" Dream says 

"Is the cloth clean?" I ask

"No" Dream says 

"Okay well can you clean it?" I ask. Dream shakes his head.

"Okay well just carefully place the cloth on where the cut is and tie it down around it" I say 

"Está bien, eso parece bastante simple. (Okay that seems simple enough)" Dream says 

"Yeah but it will hurt badly" I say. Dream puts the cloth on his cut and he jumps then ties it around his arm.

"See that wasn't to hard" I say

"Lo sé, pero cada vez parece que lo hago mal y termino muy enfermo después. (I know but everytime I seem to do it wrong and I end up being very sick afterwards)" Dream says 

"Well I am always happy to help" I say "Say, shouldn't you be in bed right now?"

"No..." Dream says 

"Yeah you can't lie to me and you know that" I say 

"Lo sé, pero ¿podemos hablar un poco más, por favor? (I know but can we talk for just a bit longer please?)" Dream says 

"I am sorry Dream but I can't, have I work to do and I need to get it down" I say "Don't worry you will be here in 3 days or so"

Dream lets out a sigh.

"Bye Dream" I say 

"adiós George (Bye George)" Dream says. I hang up the call and start to feel bad.

I let out a sigh then eat my lunch, afterwards I start to clean again.  

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