Chapter 11: Okay fine

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(Georges pov)

Me and Dream have been on call for a few hours now and even through he's meant to be in bed he really NEEDS to talk with me right now.

"Dream come on you should go to bed it's really late outside I can see it in your background" I say. Dream is inside the house and in his bedroom which doesn't look to bad, it just looks like a normal bedroom that you would never use to be fair

"No, no quiero ir a la cama ahora mismo. (No I don't want to go to bed right now)" Dream says 

"Dream please just go to bed? If you don't I will hang up the call anyways" I say

"¡No no no no! Por favor, no lo siento, me iré a la cama. (No no no no! Please don't I am sorry I will go to bed)" Dream says 

"Whoa whoa whoa calm down I was only joking" I say "We can talk don't worry"

"OK gracias (Okay thank you)" Dream says 

"Dream have you thought about me paying for you to come down to London yet?" I ask "Sorry if I am being pushy you don't have to answer if you don't want to"

"Bien vale (Okay fine)" Dream says 

"Okay fine to like you won't tell me or" I say

"Puedes pagarme para ir a Londres (You can pay for me to come down to London)" Dream says 

"YES YES YES" I say. I watch as Dream jumps back in confusion. 

"Oh sorry, I don't know why I am so happy" I say "It just happened" 

"Está bien, solo por favor no me asustes así otra vez. (That's okay just please don't scare me like that again)" Dream says 

"I won't I promise" I say

"Entonces, ¿cómo vas a pagar el vuelo? (So how are you gonna pay for the flight?)" Dream asks

"Okay so I have this app where I can send you money so download the app and I will send you as much money as you need" I say 

"bueno (Okay)" Dream says. After a few minutes Dream tells me how much I need to send and I send it to him.

"Okay so book the flight now and tell me what date so I can be ready" I say. Dream books the flight then tells me that he will be here in 2 weeks or so.

"Está bien, bueno, no sé qué empacar, ¿qué debo empacar, Sr. George? (Okay well I don't know what to pack so what should I pack Mr George?)" Dream says 

"Okay 1 don't call me that and 2 pack long sleeve clothes" I say

"Oh, eso es un problema, no tengo mucha ropa de manga larga, solo tengo 1 par de ropa de manga larga, pero no te preocupes, haré todo el lavado y conseguiré un trabajo para pagar más ropa. (Oh that's a problem I don't have much long sleeve clothes, I only have 1 pair of long sleeve clothes but don't worry I will do all the washing and I will get a job to pay for more clothes)" Dream says 

"Oh no you are not, I am gonna pay for more clothes, you are my gust and I will pay for things okay?" I ask. Dream thinks for a second.

"Bien... (Fine)" Dream says.

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