Chapter 44: Hospital

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(Georges pov)

I was sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed Dream was in.

They say he had a really bad hit on the head and I am lucky to found him before any damage was done. I was looking at Dream who looked like he was sleeping so peacefully and normally he is but I wonder if he's in any pain or anything.

I hold Dream's hand tightly and give him a kiss on the forehead.

"I shouldn't have gone away" I say "This wouldn't have happened if I was here, why am I so dumb"

I sit down in the chair and put my face on Dream's stomach.

"I will NEVER leave your side again, you are ALWAYS gonna come with me or I won't go" I say. I pull away from Dream.

God I think he's making me fucking crazy but I mean he is to good to let go. I feel someone hold my hand back which makes me to at Dream. His eyes flatter open and he looks at me.

"¿Tu espalda? ¿Por qué tan pronto? (Your back? why so soon?)" Dream asks

"Well your laying in a hospital bed that can tell you why" I say 

"Pero pensé que estaba durmiendo en mi propia cama, recuerdo irme a la cama después de que de repente me sentí tan cansado que me quedé dormido. (But I thought I was in my own bed asleep, I remember going to bed after I just suddenly felt so tired then I fell asleep)" Dream says 

"Yeah that was after you hit your head and you hit it really hard, I came home because I needed to see you and I was so upset that I couldn't text you as much as I wanted so I came home, I found you in bed and well...I walked over to you and the bandage on your head was covered in blood and you weren't breathing right at all" I say "So now your here"

Dream goes to touch his forehead. I grab his hand.

"No, don't touch, otherwise you could actually do damage to you" I say 

"Lo siento... (Sorry...)" Dream says

"What are you sorry for? You have nothing to be sorry about" I say

"Lo siento por hacer que estemos aquí, sé que no te gustan mucho los hospitales. (I am sorry for making us be here, I know you don't really like hospitals)" Dream says 

"What makes you think that?" I ask

"Revisé tu habitación y encontré un diario que parece ser de cuando tenías 13-16 años. (I went through your room and found a diary that seems that it was from when you were 13-16)" Dream says 

"Well that fear is gone now, I don't mind hospitals, anyways I saw 2 letters on your desk, what were they about?" I ask

"Una era una carta de mi padre, solo me estaba aclarando algunas cosas y asegurándose de que estaba bien. (One was a letter from my dad, he was just clearing some things up for me and making sure that I was okay)" Dream says 

"And the other one?" I ask

"La otra era la carta que decía que me aceptaron en la universidad. (The other one was the letter saying I was accepted into university)" Dream says 

"You were?!" I say

"si lo era (Yes I was)" Dream says 

"Dream that is so amazing! I am so happy for you!" I say. I lean over and give Dream a kiss on the lips then pull away.

Dream kisses me on the nose and I giggle lightly, he's so fucking cute and I love it.

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