Chapter 6: Get to know each other

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(Georges pov)

-So what's your full name really?

-Clay, pero realmente no me gusta mi nombre, así que llámame Dream (Clay but I really don't like my name so do call me Dream)

-Don't worry Dream I will call you what you want to be called

-Gracias George, ¿cuál es tu nombre completo si no te importa que pregunte? (Thank you George, what's your full name if you don't mind me asking)

-Oh well my username is my real name so it's George

-Debería haberlo adivinado realmente (I should have guessed that really)

-Yeah anyways, what is your age

-17, ¿Cual es tu edad? (What's your age?)

-I am 18 so I am only a year older then you

-¿Ser youtuber y streamer es tu trabajo? (Is being a Youtuber and streamer your job?)

-Yes it is and I really like my job, I enjoy it very much

-Me alegro de que estés haciendo algo que te gusta. (I am glad your doing something you like)

-Thank you, what do you do for a living?

-no tengo trabajo ni nada (I don't have a job or anything)

-Oh I can't tell if that's a bad thing or good thing

-Yo tampoco estoy seguro, mis padres no quieren que consiga trabajo todavía. (I am not sure as well, my parents don't want me to get a job yet)

-Huh that is odd

-De todos modos, ¿qué te gusta hacer cuando estás grabando o filmando un video? (Anyways, what do you like to do when your steaming or filming a video?)

-I play video games and that's about it

-¿Jugando videojuegos? (Playing video games?)

-Yeah it's really fun, what do you do in your spare time which seems to be all the time

-Bueno, te envío un mensaje de texto y mientras hago eso, juego afuera y, a veces, me siento en el techo y disfruto de la vista. (Well I text you and while I do that I play outside and sometimes I sit on the roof and enjoy the view)

-Okay 1. what things do you do outside and 2. I am now worried that you might hurt yourself if you fall of the roof

-¡Hago agricultura la mayor parte del tiempo! (I do farming most of the time)

-Farming, that is interesting 

-Y cuando llueve, salto en el barro, lo cual es muy divertido :) (And when it rains I jump around in the mud which is really fun)

-Oh it rains a lot over here

-Oh, no puedo esperar para visitar Londres algún día (Oh I can't wait to visit London some day)

-Yeah someday anyways any other questions? 

-No, no tengo más preguntas. (Nope I don't have anymore questions)

-Me as well, anyways what are you doing right now other then texting me?

-Estoy trabajando en mi granja de limones. (I am working on my Lemon farm)

-Oooo a Lemon farm, I like Lemons they are good in cooking things

-Bueno, si alguna vez nos encontramos, me aseguraré de guardar algunos limones para ti. (Well if we ever met I will make sure that I save some Lemons for you)

-That would be lovely thank you but it might be a long time before we ever met up

-Sí, lo sé, pero es algo agradable y creo que ser amable es lo mejor que puedes hacer en este mundo que se ha ido desmoronando. (Yeah I know but it is something nice and I believe that being nice is the best thing you can do in this world that has been falling apart)

-Aw that's so nice and sweet

-Gracias (Thank you)

-What time is it for you?

-Tarde (Late)

-Well I am gonna let you sleep

-¡No! ¡Por favor, habla conmigo más tiempo, por favor! (No! Please talk with me longer please!)

-I am sorry Dream I think you should sleep so I will text you later, goodnight sleep dreams

-¡No! ¡Por favor! (No! Please!)

I close down the app and put my phone down. I let out a sigh and start to do work on my computer.

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