"Forreal? What the fuck did she want?" She asked. Delilah knew about Mia because she's come up to the office a few times to have lunch with me.

"Girl." I said as I paused and shook my head. "That's her husband." I said. She spit the water out that she had just poured in her mouth and looked at me.

"Bitch, no." She said. I nodded.

"Yup. She walked over to our conversation and asked how did we know each other. I told her we were friends, I didn't really know what else to say because I wasn't about to just be airing out my business and especially not to that bitch." I said as I rolled my eyes. "So after that I walked away and blocked him. I can tell he was annoyed that she walked over to us though. Anyways, today Mia kept walking by my desk making slick remarks. She called me a whore and a home wrecker. I tripped her ass the last time she walked by my desk and I almost beat her ass until I remembered I was pregnant with her step kids." I said.

"Pregnant with her step kids is wild as fuck." She said as she laughed. I shook my head and laughed a little bit too because although it wasn't ideal and it's definitely not a flex to be pregnant by a married man, it does sound funny when you say it out loud like that. "You beat yourself up over it, didn't you?" She asked. I smiled as I nodded, she knows me like the back of her hand.

"You already know I did. If I had known he was married I wouldn't have entertained him." I said seriously. "I mean I know was a little tipsy but I remember that night as if it just happened a few hours ago. If he had said anything about being married I wouldn't have kept going with him, I would have put a stop to the flirting immediately." I admitted.

"It's not your fault. It's his fault. Now granted there might have been a reason he didn't mention it, but regardless it's still his fault." She said. "Are you going to keep him on the block list and just not tell him?" She asked. I shook my head.

"As much as I would love to do that I can't. I know the situation isn't ideal, but he still deserves to know. Whether he wants to be in their lives or not, that's ultimately his decision to make and he's going to have to be the one to live with the choice he makes." I said. She nodded.

"I'm blowed." She said.

"Me too." I said. "How are things going with your love life?" I asked her. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Everything is good. Malik is so perfect in every sense of the word." She gushed about her fiancé. "He wants to have a destination wedding but I don't think you'll be able to fly around the time he wants to do it so I told him no." She said. I laughed as I pouted.

"Awe bestie. Don't plan your wedding around me. If you guys want to do a destination wedding, then by all means go for it." I said. She shook her head.

"Alani I'm not getting married if you're not in attendance." She said as she scrunched her face up. "Besides, you're my maid of honor. Ain't no wedding if you don't show up." She said. I laughed as I slapped her leg.

"Girl, don't make me cry." I joked as I rolled my eyes. She laughed as her phone started ringing. She answered it and I picked mine up and looked at the time. It was going on 7:30 and my stomach started growling.

"I'm about to head out bestie. Malik is on his way home and we're about to go out on a date." She said as she stood up. I pouted as I stood up too.

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