Chapter 10 The second gift 

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After that little fiasco with the drinks, it was safe to say that things needed to be taken easy for a while till it was resolved, but management still decided on keeping those drinks there in the Superstar daycare as usual, after resolving is also finished the drinks didn't change at all, but there were some safety precautions in the drink dispensers but those precautions will only last for a while.Gregory decided to head to the daycare directly because he wanted to just unwind for a bit. There was an accident that happened in his home.

He didn't want to talk about it, but he was grateful to be in his favourite place ever holding his plushy very close to him. As the music played in endless loop he felt so much more better here. Honestly, this place felt more like a home then his actual house.

Gregory was moving around the ball pit as all of the other kids were doing their own things like playing, hide and seek and tag and many other games. Including how some of the children were playing in the playhouse, while others were knocking down the softball cylinders as many other children were playing in the jungle gym area. Including how other children are playing in the ball pit as well as some was sitting on the kids, size chairs, and talking with the tables as well.

As another group of children were playing with the giant, Freddy plushy, leaning on the jungle gym area.Gregory continued on moving as he really wanted to spend time unwinding and relaxing because he really needed it after that little argument with his family it was for the best that he needed a place to unwind.

He can't wait to just spend time with his friend and when it was time for naps, he couldn't wait to relax with his other friend as well.Gregory is just so stressed he can't wait to just relax and unwind to play some games then for some naps.He started getting lost within his own thoughts again as he walked in the ball pit.

(" I never had such a hard day at my house. I can't wait to just relax for today. I honestly can't wait to just relax for today. I needed this. Also, I have never seen my parents get into such a nasty argument. But now is not the time for that now is the time to just relax and unwind.")

Gregory continue moving around the ball pit as he was simply having some time to relax, he felt his body becoming loose as he continued moving throughout the multicoloured plastic balls.He continued moving until he was then picked up as sounds of jingling bells, caught his attention.Gregory knew where those sounds came from as he was then moved out of the ball pit and placed on the soft squishy padding.He had looked to see Sundrop there happy to see him as he seems to be very excited as Moondrop is also excited as he was feeling a lot more happier within the backseat of their shared mind.

Gregory is happy to see one of his friends as he can't wait until it's time for naps as he was feeling a little bit better than he was before in the day.He honestly, so much better than it was today in the morning as a voice brought him out, of his thoughts, catching his attention.

"Is everything alright? I detect some levels of anxiety and uneasiness."

("Is he alright?! Because he seems a little bit uneasy, and not to mention having a lot of anxiety as well.")

"Oh I'm fine. I just had a nasty disagreement with my family that's all. Sometimes my family gets into this nothing that can be done."

This took Sundrop by surprise seeing how the child expression looked extremely uncomfortable, as well as stressed. He did not like that at all no child should ever have to do that.Moondrop didn't like it either as he also told uneasy, seeing the child like this no child should have to experience something like this as he was expressing his feelings within the backseat of their shared mind.Gregory simply wanted to forget about this, and move on, as he decided to do some colouring to take this uneasiness away as there was some images to be colours in the white pieces of paper, as there were some colouring pencils.

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