"Are you sure?" That was the only thing I could get to leave my mouth. She laughed as she nodded.

"I'm positive." She said as she pointed at the screen. There's yo-oh! I think a double congratulations is in order." She said.

"What does that even mean?" I asked.

"You're pregnant with twins!" She exclaimed as she looked at the screen.

"I think your machine is broken." I said as I shook my head. She moved the doppler around and typed something on the little computer before doing it again. She wheeled to the back of the computer stand and grabbed something.

"Here are your babies, love. There's baby A and baby B." She said as she pointed them out to me. I bit my lip as I started tearing up. This is really happening.

"Okay." I said as I nodded. "So how can we tell when I would have conceived?" I asked as I handed the pictures to Delilah so that she could put them in my purse.

"Well let's see what your due date is and see how far along you are." She said as I nodded. "Your due date is going to be March 13. So that means you would have conceived sometime between June 18th and June 22." She said. I nodded as I thought back to last month.

"That sounds about right because the last time I had sex was June 17th." I said. She nodded as she looked at a calendar.

"Yup. So probable dates of sexual intercourse with your due date falls between June 15th and June 22nd, so you're right on track." She said. I nodded as I took everything in and sighed a sigh of relief. With those dates and calculations, I know for sure this isn't Kendrick's baby. "Alright. So you just made the seven week mark, and your babies are about the size of a blueberry. I'm going to get you cleaned up and then I'll get you some pamphlets." She said. I smiled softly as it started to really sink in that I'm about to be a mom.

"How are you feeling?" Delilah asked as we stood in the parking lot. We had just got finished with my doctors appointment and we were about to go our separate ways.

"Honestly I'm still in shock. I'm just relieved that it's not Kendrick's." I said. She nodded.

"So when are you going to tell the dad and everybody else?" She asked.

"I kind of want to tell him right away because this is a serious situation, it's not really something I should be keeping from him. As far as everyone else, I'll figure it out once I talk to Marcus." I said. She nodded as she smiled at me and hugged me before rubbing my stomach.

"I know this all seems so surreal, but I'm so excited for you. You're going to be the best mommy to my God babies and I can't wait to go on this journey with you." She said. I laughed as I started crying.

"Bitch you know pregnancy makes you emotional, don't be having me crying and shit all the time." I said. She laughed as she wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry, but I'm so excited. I know it's going to be a long road but like I told you last night, I got you forever." She said. "But I have to get to work. Text me when you get to your destination safely." She said. I nodded as I hugged her again.

"Thank you again bestie." I said.

"No problem. See you later." She said. I nodded as she walked to her car while I got in mine. I sat there and looked at the ultrasound pictures for a minute before taking a deep breath. I put the pictures in my purse and took my phone out and opened up the text thread I had with Marcus. My hand hovered over the keyboard before I started texting.

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