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allyssa got her kids in the truck then i picked up austin she was STILL asleep i put her in the truck and went to justin's he was getting his shirt on i grabbed a hat off his shelf and handed it to him then i grabbed his nic and wallet i hit his nic and handed him his wallet i grabbed his cowboy hat
|you know the hat rule|
he smiled i handed it to him and gave him a kiss he went to walk out but i grabbed a belt and a buckle i handed it to him
|so forgetful|
i walked outside and got in the truck and we got on the road about an hour in all the kids were asleep and me alyssa were talking
|so what have you been doing lately|
|absolutely nothing cause both the kids are in school now and cody is at work i've been cleaning|
|lame but same to be honest|
justin called me
|hey we both gotta piss so let's stop at the next rest stop
|anyway but yea just chillin|
we pulled into a rest stop and i got austin out and went into the restroom i changed austin then went to the bathroom we got the kids back into the car then we took a break justin put his arm around me and i rested my head on him we sat around for about 5 minutes then decided to get food i kissed justin
|i love you|
|love you too justin|
we got back on the road and went to mcdonald's me and alyssa went in and ordered everything we brought it out in two big bags and sat at a bench cause i had to feed austin me and justin both got number 7s and they got a lot i put austin in my hoodie and started eating we got back on the road not long after but austin wasn't done so i just drove with her but all the kids were crying so we put some music on until in 2 hours we were at our destination cody dropped of the trailer than went to their air bnb but just as i finally got to see justin we had to leave again but this time it was to puyallup for the fair and show we pulled in to the parking lot and i changed my pants into my 7 jeans then i put my boots on and my hat then i got austin into some cowprint bell bottoms and and a little brown carhart hoodie
|your really unprepared|
|im trying justin so stop|
|im just saying this should've already been done we gotta go|
|justin shut up i just gotta put her shoes on|
|come one olivia you were to lazy to change our daughter|
|fuck you|
i took her out of her car seat and walked away i walked into the fair and too the bathroom i put mascara on and tried to calm down i texted damian and waited for him to answer but he didn't so i called him
|pick up pick up|
|damian where are you
|washington with my girlfriend why
|where in washington
|the fair are you ok
|no i'm gonna fucking kill myself
|woah woah are you joking
|i dont know i'm so pissed right now
|i dont know i just don't ok
|where are you
|the stupid ducking washington fair
i started choking up
|ok where at i'll come get you
|im by the bathrooms
|k i'm near there i'm coming
he hung up i walked out of the bathrooms and out to the main walkway i saw damian i walked up to him and he took austin and hugged me
i started crying i was so overwhelmed but i didn't even know why
i saw justin looking for us and when he saw us he ran up to me
|what's wrong|
|i got her it's fine justin|-damian
he took austin
|look olivia i can't deal with this right now i gotta go theyre gonna call me out any minute|
|we'll justin how the fuck am i gonna help you with austin it's not like montana is here|
|i dont fucking know you figure it out|
i grabbed austin
|i'll call cody i'm going home i should've never come|
i walked to the truck put austin in and started the truck justin ran up and opened the door
|what is wrong with you|
|im stressed justin im stressed and i haven't been home in almost a year i miss my friends i am so god damn lonely here it's just the 3 of us don't you think that sucks for me your gone all the time you don't even sleep in the same bed as me because our daughter wakes you up|
he slammed the door and walked off austin started crying and i drove back to the air bnb and called cody i set up our rooms then went shopping then i got in the bath while austin slept but that's when justin got back he walked into the bathroom all muddy he took his shirt off and started washing his face i ignored him the whole time just sitting on my phone he walked out and i got out and got changed then laid down in bed i almost fell asleep till austin started crying i didn't get up i waited till justin got her then he came in and changed then laid down next to me i rolled away from him and fell asleep

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