so like what are we?

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1 week later
i took frankie to the mall while hailey was at a friends we were walking into a store i'd never heard of when damian walked up behind me
i turned around
|jesus damian|
|what's up|
|walking around with my little sister|
|who's he|-frankie
|my brother|-olivia
she looked at me weird
|it's a long story|
damian nodded
|anyway what have you been doing|
|well i just bought an apartment with my new girlfriend and starting a youtube channel|
|good job big brother not to bad but now you say starting things i was gonna ask you if you wanted to make a podcast with me|
|sure what's it about|
|we basically get a topic every week and talk about it|
|what's it called|
|no idea|
|we'll think of something|
me and damian talked for a bit when frankie came back with a bunch of clothes
|can i get these|
|your not gonna go through it and pick out the stuff you don't like|
|well bye damian talk to you later|
we paid in outr first store which was 100$
then shopped some more and left with over 1000 dollars in clothes for frankie and over 1000 for me when we got home we tried on all the clothes then got ready for a movie night we chose a semi scary movie called 13 cameras we were halfway through the movie when dacre texted me
o:movie night
o:and got work tomorrow
d:what do you do for work
d:damn what's the @
o:lol gn
i turned off my phone and laid my head on frankie's shoulder
|thank you for taking me today|
|your welcome thanks for going|
we both fell asleep on the couch then when we woke up we picked up hailey dropped the girls off at my grandmas then got to work i walked in and malcom wasnt there a new cute guy was standing by my station on his phone my manager walked by and i followed
|who's the guy at my station|
|malcom called in sick so justin was a stand in|
|k bye|
i walked back to the new guy
|hey justin i'm liv|
|mhm cool|
|oh ok well uhh let's get ready|
|yea you do that|
i got a call from dacre
|hey baby|
|hi dacre|
|what are you doing|
|auditioning in a few minutes|
|stranger things|
|no way i love that show|
|hopefully i get the role|
|well i gotta go see ya~|
|mkay bye|
i got ready and went on set
4 hours later
i was walking around the building towards my car texting people and i ran into justin
|oh hey|
|hey i wanted to ask you if you had a boyfriend|
|umm yknow i'm talking to someone and even if i wasn't it's work so it's unprofessional|
|yea true but nobody has to know|
|your not my type|
|fine i'll see you around|
i got in my car then sat around for 15 minutes till i finally went home

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