my heart hurts</3

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i went too pick up hailey then too colbys i opened the door and amber was there well as she said "just stoping by too see colby" once she left colby walked into his room and hailey stayed downstairs with sam while he was watching tv i followed colby he was ignoring me we walked into his room and shut the door

"colby whats wrong"

he kept ignoring me hes sat down on the edge of his bed and i sat on his lap i ran my fingers through his hair

"babe whats wrong tell me"

"you and Malcom that's whats wrong"

i laughed nervously

"colby i just work with him and sometimes text him were friends"

"well you don't need too post it"

i kissed him and he smiled

"ok i wont do it anymore but i do need too leave see you tonight?"

"yea i guess"

"k love you"

"love you"

i walked back down said bye too sam and left with hailey i gave her a bath then my grandma picked her up for the night then colby came over i was walking into the kitchen and he pulled me in towards him by my waist
"hey i want you too go too kansas too meet my parents"
"colby we're not that far in our relationship and hailey also i have court in two days and da-"
colby looked at me
"we're like 3 months in and at least i'm serious about it bring hailey and we're not leaving tomorrow"
"i can't colby i have too many things too do"
"i can name everything you do in a month watch film a video 2 a week go too your so called work every two days see sean every other week go shopping once a week and then clean once a week"
"exactly colby there's too much"
"olivia are you not serious about us"
"i am colby but righ-"
"but what the fuck do you mean what"
"i have a life too take care of and damian's coming home next week ok"
"bro i said i'd fucking help take care of hailey"
he ignored damian's part
"no colby i can't go sorry"
"babe i want you too meet my family"
i looked at him
"colby your parents won't like me i do porn have two kids from two different dad i smoke weed i can't colby it's not that i'm not serious about us"
he hugged me
"baby don't worry about that they won't care they're understanding" he says trying to kiss me, "colby stop" i say sternly putting my hand between us,
"i'm not going"
colby stormed out slamming the door i ran after him
"colby i love you but im busy i can't drop everything for you"
"your not the only person with problems"
"fine i'll go colby happy"
"no i'm not i don't want you too not want too go"
"colby i'll go"
he walked off before i went too bed and sent him a snapchat;) he opened it but didn't reply i just assumed he was tired or something until i looked at snapmap and he was with jack at a bar i suddenly got a text from one of colby's friends brennan we had made a few videos here and there but never had a relationship besides that he texted
b:hey wanna come over?
i got dressed and put my hair up then left colby's location was still at the bar so i called him he answered after the third ring
o(your a dick
o(why are you at the bar with jack
c(we're just talking
o(mhm sure
c(why are you driving
o(i'm going too brennans
c(uhh why
o(idk he asked me
c(you shouldn't be hanging out with my friends
o(your literally hanging out with jack, jack avery yknow my ex boyfriend yknow the one who cheated on me when i was in a hospital
c(yeah ok i'm leaving don't go too brennans i'll be at your house in 20
o(who says i wanna see you
c(your snapchat photo
o(that was too get you too respond bye i'm going too brennans
c(why all he wants too do is fuck
i hung up and kept driving until i got a call from my uncle he was apart of a band which i personally listen too all the time i answered it
u(hey listen too our new song dingus
o(ok ok
u(facetime me when you finish listening too it
o(ok bye

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