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1 week later
i broke things off with gus but we were still best friends and i tried not talking too johnny but i did like him so it was difficult but it was for steve-o and he was 12 years older than me as well as i kinda had feelings for colby again but besides that i was sitting at the park at night alone while hailey was with my grandma i heard walking which was an immediate bad thing saying it was the middle of the night so i got on my phone a texted damian i told him i was around the corner and i felt unsafe i looked up and it was jack i scooted back into a corner and i slipped falling into the slide i tried too stay quiet but obviously falling down a slide isn't very quiet he walked over too me and helped me up
|watcha doin|
|sitting at a park trying too keep myself from calling back all my exes you?|
|going too a party wanna come|
|sure but first where's my kid|
|at my moms|
|k let's go| we walked down some random road and showed up too a famous douche bag party and just my luck everyone i knew was there even steve-o when i walked in i looked around
|dude wtf kinda party is this|
|famous people you wouldn't know|
|touché but how are you gonna explain why i'm here|
|i found her on a slide couldn't leave he unattended|
|rude anyway you do know johnny knoxville |
|isn't he like 30|
|ok who else do you know|
|i dont know anyone else|
|ok i'm gonna leave you now i have too go to the guys|
|k bye|
he kissed me and walked away
i walked over too steve-o and waited for him too finish talking too some guy when someone came up behind me
i jumped and turned around it was bam i laughed and he did too
|you bitch|
|your easy too scare|
|yea sure but what is this place anyway theres like singers actors influencers|
|too be honest i don't know johnny just told me too be here but why are you here mini me|
|my ex found me at the park|
|whos your ex|
|jack avery yknow daniels band|
|kayden my twin|
|ohhh yeah|
steve-o looked at me confused
|your not famous|
|i have 4 million subscribers on youtube and i have another platform|
|ok ok|
|so where's johnny|
|i don't know he told us too be here|
just then jack walked up behind me he put his hand on my shoulder and reached past me shaking bams hand i walked over too steve-o ignoring jack if that wasn't bad then next thing he said was worse
|hi i'm jack livs boyfriend|
i looked at bam and shook my head  bam took his hand away and walked away that's when johnny walked through the crowd revealing himself his hair was spiked up and he wore a ruin but part of it was unbuttoned he was holding a beer i nearly died he was so hot i started blushing johnny pleasantly shook jacks hand and introduced himself
|hi i'm johnny you are|
|jack olivia's boyfriend|
|olivia i know many glover,janeston,wills?|
|ohhh glover tara glover|
|yes her names tara but not glover|
i walked up too them blushing extremely hard not making eye contact with johnny
|ok umm not your girlfriend and my last names glover hahaha fun anyway let's go knoxville|
i grabbed johnnys hand and dragged him away still not making eye contact i walked over too steve-o 
|im gonna get a drink|
i walked past jack and grabbed him by the wrist dragging him over too the bathrooms
|im not your fucking girlfriend jack|
|your going too be|
|im not though do you even know my situation right now|
|no but i need you back liv and what was with the glover thing|
|it's my actual last name i'm getting my it officially changed next month i'm going back too glover|
|why is someone making you do this|
|because i want no fucking association with my step dad mom and daniel and don't change the subject|
|fine will you get back with me|
|do you not listen i already am taliking too someone|
|johnny yknow the one you told i was dating you|
i went too walk away when i saw bam his mouth dropped
|no fucking way|
|bam margera i will kill you if you say anything|
|mouth closed under one condition|

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